Module in Angular Chart component
24 Jun 20249 minutes to read
The following value modules should be injected to extend Chart’s functionality.
Module | Description |
Axis Type Feature Modules | |
CategoryService |
Inject this module to use category axis type to visualize category (string type) values. |
DateTimeService |
Inject this module to use date time axis type to visualize datetime values. |
LogarithmicService |
Inject this module to use log axis type to visualize logarithmic values. |
DateTimeCategoryService |
Inject this module to use date time category axis type to visualize datetime category values. |
Series Type Feature Modules | |
LineSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the line type series in the chart. |
StepLineSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the step line type series in the chart. |
StackingLineSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the stacking line type series in the chart. |
MultiColoredLineSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the multi colored line type series in the chart. |
SplineSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the spline type series in the chart. |
AreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the area type series in the chart. |
RangeAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the range area type series in the chart. |
RangeStepAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the range step area type series in the chart. |
SplineRangeAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the spline range area type series in the chart. |
StackingAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the stacking area type series in the chart. |
StackingStepAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the stacking step area type series in the chart. |
StepAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the step area type series in the chart. |
SplineAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the spline area type series in the chart. |
MultiColoredAreaSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the multi colored area type series in the chart. |
ColumnSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the column type series in the chart. |
RangeColumnSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the range column type series in the chart. |
StackingColumnSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the stacking column type series in the chart. |
BarSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the bar type series in the chart. |
StackingBarSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the stacking bar type series in the chart. |
ScatterSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the scatter type series in the chart. |
BubbleSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the bubble type series in the chart. |
PolarSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the polar type series in the chart. |
RadarSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the radar type series in the chart. |
HiloSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the hilo type series in the chart. |
HiloOpenCloseSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the hilo open close type series in the chart. |
CandleSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the candle type series in the chart. |
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the box and whisker type series in the chart. |
WaterfallSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the waterfall type series in the chart. |
HistogramSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the histogram type series in the chart. |
ParetoSeriesService |
Inject this module to use the pareto type series in the chart. |
ErrorBarService |
Inject this module to use the error bar feature in series. |
Indicator Type Feature Modules | |
AccumulationDistributionIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the accumulation distribution indicator. |
AtrIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the average true range (ATR) indicator. |
BollingerBandsService |
Inject this module to use the bollinger band indicator. |
EMAIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the exponential moving average (EMA) indicator. |
MomentumIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the momentum indicator. |
MACDIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) indicator. |
RsiIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the relative Strength index (Rsi) indicator. |
SmaIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the simple moving average (SMA) indicator. |
StochasticIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the stochastic indicator. |
TmaIndicatorService |
Inject this module to use the triangular moving average indicator. |
Other Feature Modules | |
StripLineService |
Inject this module to use strip line feature. |
TrendlinesService |
Inject this module to use the trendline feature. |
DataLabelService |
Inject this module to use the data label feature. |
ChartAnnotationService |
Inject this module to use the annotation feature. |
LegendService |
Inject this module to use the legend feature. |
TooltipService |
Inject this module to use the tooltip feature. |
ZoomService |
Inject this module to use the zooming and panning feature. |
DataEditingService |
Inject this module to use the data editing feature. |
CrosshairService |
Inject this module to use the crosshair feature. |
SelectionService |
Inject this module to use the selection feature. |
HighlightService |
Inject this module to use the highlight feature. |
ExportService |
Inject this module to use the export feature. |
MultiLevelLabelService |
Inject this module to use the multi level label feature. |
These modules should be injected into the modules section of root NgModule or component class.