Example of Default Exporting in Angular Grid Component

This sample demonstrates the client-side exporting of the Grid, which allows you to export its data to the Excel, Pdf and CSV formats. Use the toolbar buttons to export Grid data to desired format.

Drag a column header here to group its column

Grid supports client-side exporting which allows you to export its data to the Excel, Pdf and CSV formats.

In this demo, while exporting, we have included images and hyperlinks from the template columns i.e Image and URL using excelQueryCellInfo and pdfQueryCellInfo events. The ExcelExport, PdfExport, and CsvExport items are defined in the toolbar, for which we have defined actions in toolbarClick event to export the Grid data using the excelExport, pdfExport and csvExport methods.

Note: Since CSV format is supported only plain text, images and hyperlinks will not be exported on this.

Injecting Module:

Grid features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use exporting feature, we need to inject ExcelExportService and PdfExportService into the @NgModule.providers section.

More information on the exporting can be found in these Excel Export & PDF Export documentation section.