Keyboard shortcuts can be used to interact with chart functionality. In the example, various key combinations can be used to interact with a chart.
The key combinations listed below can be used in the chart to initiate various actions.- FOCUS ELEMENTS
- Alt + J - Moves the focus to the chart element.
- Tab - Moves the focus to the next element in the chart.
- Shift + Tab - Moves the focus to the previous element in the chart.
- Down arrow - Moves the focus to the data point left side from the selected point.
- Up arrow - Moves the focus to the data point right side from the selected point.
- Left arrow - Moves the focus to the next series in our chart.
- Right arrow - Moves the focus to the previous series in our chart.
- ESC - Cancel the tooltip for the data point.
- Enter/Space - Selects the data point in the series.
- Legend
- Down/Left arrow - Moves the focus to the legend left side from the selected legend.
- Up/Right arrow - Moves the focus to the legend right side from the selected legend.
- Enter/Space - Toggles the visibility of the corresponding series.
- Ctrl + + - Zoom in the chart.
- Ctrl + - - Zoom out the chart.
- Down/Up arrow - Pans the chart vertically.
- Left/Right arrow - Pans the chart horizontally.
- R - Reset the zoomed chart.
- Ctrl + P - Prints the chart.