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Process the tree node operations using context menu in Vue TreeView component
17 Feb 202524 minutes to read
You can integrate a context menu with the TreeView component to perform tree-view-related operations such as adding, removing, and renaming nodes. The following example demonstrates how to use the select event of the context menu to manipulate TreeView operations.
<div id="app">
<div class="control_wrapper">
<ejs-treeview id='treeview' ref="treeview" :fields="fields" :nodeClicked='nodeclicked'>
<ejs-contextmenu id='contextmenutree' ref="contextMenu" target='#treeview' :items='menuItems' :beforeOpen='beforeopen'
<script setup>
import { TreeViewComponent as EjsTreeview, ContextMenuComponent as EjsContextmenu } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations";
import { ref } from 'vue';
const treeview = ref(null);
const contextMenu = ref(null);
var dataSource = [
id: '01', name: 'Local Disk (C:)', expanded: true, hasAttribute: { class: 'remove rename' },
subChild: [
id: '01-01', name: 'Program Files',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-01-01', name: 'Windows NT' },
{ id: '01-01-02', name: 'Windows Mail' },
{ id: '01-01-03', name: 'Windows Photo Viewer' },
id: '01-02', name: 'Users', expanded: true,
subChild: [
{ id: '01-02-01', name: 'Smith' },
{ id: '01-02-02', name: 'Public' },
{ id: '01-02-03', name: 'Admin' },
id: '01-03', name: 'Windows',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-03-01', name: 'Boot' },
{ id: '01-03-02', name: 'FileManager' },
{ id: '01-03-03', name: 'System32' },
id: '02', name: 'Local Disk (D:)', hasAttribute: { class: 'rename' },
subChild: [
id: '02-01', name: 'Personals',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-01-01', name: 'My photo.png' },
{ id: '02-01-02', name: 'Rental document.docx' },
{ id: '02-01-03', name: 'Pay slip.pdf' },
id: '02-02', name: 'Projects',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-02-01', name: 'ASP Application' },
{ id: '02-02-02', name: 'TypeScript Application' },
{ id: '02-02-03', name: 'React Application' },
id: '02-03', name: 'Office',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-03-01', name: 'Work details.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-02', name: 'Weekly report.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-03', name: 'Wish list.csv' },
id: '03', name: 'Local Disk (E:)', icon: 'folder', hasAttribute: { class: 'remove' },
subChild: [
id: '03-01', name: 'Pictures',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-01-01', name: 'Wind.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-02', name: 'Stone.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-03', name: 'Home.jpg' },
id: '03-02', name: 'Documents',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-02-01', name: 'Environment Pollution.docx' },
{ id: '03-02-02', name: 'Global Warming.ppt' },
{ id: '03-02-03', name: 'Social Network.pdf' },
id: '03-03', name: 'Study Materials',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-03-01', name: 'UI-Guide.pdf' },
{ id: '03-03-02', name: 'Tutorials.zip' },
{ id: '03-03-03', name: 'TypeScript.7z' },
const fields = { dataSource: dataSource, id: 'id', text: 'name', child: 'subChild', htmlAttributes: 'hasAttribute' };
const menuItems = [
{ text: 'Add New Item' },
{ text: 'Rename Item' },
{ text: 'Remove Item' }
let index = 1;
const nodeclicked = (args) => {
if (args.event.which === 3) {
var treeObj = treeview.value.ej2Instances;
treeObj.selectedNodes = [args.node.getAttribute('data-uid')];
const menuclick = (args) => {
var treevalidate = treeview.value.ej2Instances;
var targetNodeId = treevalidate.selectedNodes[0];
if (args.item.text == "Add New Item") {
var nodeId = "tree_" + index;
var item = { id: nodeId, name: "New Folder" };
treevalidate.addNodes([item], targetNodeId, null);
else if (args.item.text == "Remove Item") {
else if (args.item.text == "Rename Item") {
const beforeopen = () => {
var targetNode = args.event.target;
var contextmenutree = contextMenu.value.ej2Instances;
if (targetNode.classList.contains('remove')) {
contextmenutree.enableItems(['Remove Item'], false);
else {
contextmenutree.enableItems(['Remove Item'], true);
if (targetNode.classList.contains('rename')) {
contextmenutree.enableItems(['Rename Item'], false);
else {
contextmenutree.enableItems(['Rename Item'], true);
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css";
.control_wrapper {
display: block;
max-width: 400px;
max-height: 320px;
margin: auto;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
border-radius: 3px;
#app {
width: 350px;
margin: 0 auto;
#contextmenutree {
padding: 0px;
font-size: inherit;
<div id="app">
<div class="control_wrapper">
<ejs-treeview id='treeview' ref="treeview" :fields="fields" :nodeClicked='nodeclicked'>
<ejs-contextmenu id='contextmenutree' target='#treeview' ref="contextMenu" :items='menuItems' :beforeOpen='beforeopen'
import { TreeViewComponent, ContextMenuComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
"ejs-treeview": TreeViewComponent,
"ejs-contextmenu": ContextMenuComponent
data() {
var dataSource = [
id: '01', name: 'Local Disk (C:)', expanded: true, hasAttribute: { class: 'remove rename' },
subChild: [
id: '01-01', name: 'Program Files',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-01-01', name: 'Windows NT' },
{ id: '01-01-02', name: 'Windows Mail' },
{ id: '01-01-03', name: 'Windows Photo Viewer' },
id: '01-02', name: 'Users', expanded: true,
subChild: [
{ id: '01-02-01', name: 'Smith' },
{ id: '01-02-02', name: 'Public' },
{ id: '01-02-03', name: 'Admin' },
id: '01-03', name: 'Windows',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-03-01', name: 'Boot' },
{ id: '01-03-02', name: 'FileManager' },
{ id: '01-03-03', name: 'System32' },
id: '02', name: 'Local Disk (D:)', hasAttribute: { class: 'rename' },
subChild: [
id: '02-01', name: 'Personals',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-01-01', name: 'My photo.png' },
{ id: '02-01-02', name: 'Rental document.docx' },
{ id: '02-01-03', name: 'Pay slip.pdf' },
id: '02-02', name: 'Projects',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-02-01', name: 'ASP Application' },
{ id: '02-02-02', name: 'TypeScript Application' },
{ id: '02-02-03', name: 'React Application' },
id: '02-03', name: 'Office',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-03-01', name: 'Work details.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-02', name: 'Weekly report.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-03', name: 'Wish list.csv' },
id: '03', name: 'Local Disk (E:)', icon: 'folder', hasAttribute: { class: 'remove' },
subChild: [
id: '03-01', name: 'Pictures',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-01-01', name: 'Wind.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-02', name: 'Stone.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-03', name: 'Home.jpg' },
id: '03-02', name: 'Documents',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-02-01', name: 'Environment Pollution.docx' },
{ id: '03-02-02', name: 'Global Warming.ppt' },
{ id: '03-02-03', name: 'Social Network.pdf' },
id: '03-03', name: 'Study Materials',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-03-01', name: 'UI-Guide.pdf' },
{ id: '03-03-02', name: 'Tutorials.zip' },
{ id: '03-03-03', name: 'TypeScript.7z' },
return {
fields: { dataSource: dataSource, id: 'id', text: 'name', child: 'subChild', htmlAttributes: 'hasAttribute' },
menuItems: [
{ text: 'Add New Item' },
{ text: 'Rename Item' },
{ text: 'Remove Item' }
index: 1,
methods: {
nodeclicked: function (args) {
if (args.event.which === 3) {
var treeObj = this.$refs.treeview.ej2Instances;
treeObj.selectedNodes = [args.node.getAttribute('data-uid')];
menuclick: function (args) {
var treevalidate = this.$refs.treeview.ej2Instances;
var targetNodeId = treevalidate.selectedNodes[0];
if (args.item.text == 'Add New Item') {
var nodeId = 'tree_' + this.index;
var item = { id: nodeId, name: 'New Folder' };
treevalidate.addNodes([item], targetNodeId, null);
} else if (args.item.text == 'Remove Item') {
} else if (args.item.text == 'Rename Item') {
beforeopen: function (args) {
var targetNode =args.event.target;
var contextMenuTree = this.$refs.contextMenu.ej2Instances;
if (targetNode.classList.contains('remove')) {
contextMenuTree.enableItems(['Remove Item'], false);
} else {
contextMenuTree.enableItems(['Remove Item'], true);
if (targetNode.classList.contains('rename')) {
contextMenuTree.enableItems(['Rename Item'], false);
} else {
contextMenuTree.enableItems(['Rename Item'], true);
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css";
.control_wrapper {
display: block;
max-width: 400px;
max-height: 320px;
margin: auto;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
border-radius: 3px;
#app {
width: 350px;
margin: 0 auto;
#contextmenutree {
padding: 0px;
font-size: inherit;