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Customize the tree nodes based on levels in Vue TreeView component
17 Feb 202524 minutes to read
You can customize the tree nodes based on their levels by adding a custom cssClass
to the component and enabling specific styles.
<div id="app">
<div class="control_wrapper">
<ejs-treeview id='treeview' :fields="fields" :allowEditing='true' cssClass='mytree'></ejs-treeview>
<div class="details">
<div><b>1. The font-weight "Bold" is applied for all the leaf nodes</b></div>
<div><i>2. The font-weight "Italic" is applied for first level nodes</i></div>
<div style="color: darkmagenta">3. The color "darkmagenta" is applied for second level nodes</div>
<script setup>
import { TreeViewComponent as EjsTreeview } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations";
var dataSource = [
id: '01', name: 'Local Disk (C:)', expanded: true,
subChild: [
id: '01-01', name: 'Program Files',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-01-01', name: 'Windows NT' },
{ id: '01-01-02', name: 'Windows Mail' },
{ id: '01-01-03', name: 'Windows Photo Viewer' },
id: '01-02', name: 'Users', expanded: true,
subChild: [
{ id: '01-02-01', name: 'Smith' },
{ id: '01-02-02', name: 'Public' },
{ id: '01-02-03', name: 'Admin' },
id: '01-03', name: 'Windows',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-03-01', name: 'Boot' },
{ id: '01-03-02', name: 'FileManager' },
{ id: '01-03-03', name: 'System32' },
id: '02', name: 'Local Disk (D:)',
subChild: [
id: '02-01', name: 'Personals',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-01-01', name: 'My photo.png' },
{ id: '02-01-02', name: 'Rental document.docx' },
{ id: '02-01-03', name: 'Pay slip.pdf' },
id: '02-02', name: 'Projects',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-02-01', name: 'ASP Application' },
{ id: '02-02-02', name: 'TypeScript Application' },
{ id: '02-02-03', name: 'React Application' },
id: '02-03', name: 'Office',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-03-01', name: 'Work details.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-02', name: 'Weekly report.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-03', name: 'Wish list.csv' },
id: '03', name: 'Local Disk (E:)', icon: 'folder',
subChild: [
id: '03-01', name: 'Pictures',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-01-01', name: 'Wind.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-02', name: 'Stone.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-03', name: 'Home.jpg' },
id: '03-02', name: 'Documents',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-02-01', name: 'Environment Pollution.docx' },
{ id: '03-02-02', name: 'Global Warming.ppt' },
{ id: '03-02-03', name: 'Social Network.pdf' },
id: '03-03', name: 'Study Materials',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-03-01', name: 'UI-Guide.pdf' },
{ id: '03-03-02', name: 'Tutorials.zip' },
{ id: '03-03-03', name: 'TypeScript.7z' },
const fields = { dataSource: dataSource, id: 'id', text: 'name', child: 'subChild' };
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations/styles/material.css";
.control_wrapper {
display: block;
max-width: 400px;
max-height: 350px;
margin: auto;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
border-radius: 3px;
#display {
max-width: 500px;
margin: auto;
padding: 10px;
#app {
width: 350px;
margin: 0 auto;
.details {
padding-left: 10px;
/*apply custom css to first level*/
.mytree .e-level-1>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
font-style: italic;
/*apply custom css to second level*/
.mytree .e-level-2>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
color: darkmagenta;
/*apply custom css to all the leaf nodes*/
.mytree .e-level-3>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
font-weight: bold;
<div id="app">
<div class="control_wrapper">
<ejs-treeview id='treeview' :fields="fields" :allowEditing='true' cssClass='mytree'></ejs-treeview>
<div class="details">
<div><b>1. The font-weight "Bold" is applied for all the leaf nodes</b></div>
<div><i>2. The font-weight "Italic" is applied for first level nodes</i></div>
<div style="color: darkmagenta">3. The color "darkmagenta" is applied for second level nodes</div>
import { TreeViewComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
"ejs-treeview": TreeViewComponent
data() {
var dataSource = [
id: '01', name: 'Local Disk (C:)', expanded: true,
subChild: [
id: '01-01', name: 'Program Files',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-01-01', name: 'Windows NT' },
{ id: '01-01-02', name: 'Windows Mail' },
{ id: '01-01-03', name: 'Windows Photo Viewer' },
id: '01-02', name: 'Users', expanded: true,
subChild: [
{ id: '01-02-01', name: 'Smith' },
{ id: '01-02-02', name: 'Public' },
{ id: '01-02-03', name: 'Admin' },
id: '01-03', name: 'Windows',
subChild: [
{ id: '01-03-01', name: 'Boot' },
{ id: '01-03-02', name: 'FileManager' },
{ id: '01-03-03', name: 'System32' },
id: '02', name: 'Local Disk (D:)',
subChild: [
id: '02-01', name: 'Personals',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-01-01', name: 'My photo.png' },
{ id: '02-01-02', name: 'Rental document.docx' },
{ id: '02-01-03', name: 'Pay slip.pdf' },
id: '02-02', name: 'Projects',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-02-01', name: 'ASP Application' },
{ id: '02-02-02', name: 'TypeScript Application' },
{ id: '02-02-03', name: 'React Application' },
id: '02-03', name: 'Office',
subChild: [
{ id: '02-03-01', name: 'Work details.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-02', name: 'Weekly report.docx' },
{ id: '02-03-03', name: 'Wish list.csv' },
id: '03', name: 'Local Disk (E:)', icon: 'folder',
subChild: [
id: '03-01', name: 'Pictures',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-01-01', name: 'Wind.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-02', name: 'Stone.jpg' },
{ id: '03-01-03', name: 'Home.jpg' },
id: '03-02', name: 'Documents',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-02-01', name: 'Environment Pollution.docx' },
{ id: '03-02-02', name: 'Global Warming.ppt' },
{ id: '03-02-03', name: 'Social Network.pdf' },
id: '03-03', name: 'Study Materials',
subChild: [
{ id: '03-03-01', name: 'UI-Guide.pdf' },
{ id: '03-03-02', name: 'Tutorials.zip' },
{ id: '03-03-03', name: 'TypeScript.7z' },
return {
fields: { dataSource: dataSource, id: 'id', text: 'name', child: 'subChild' },
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-navigations/styles/material.css";
.control_wrapper {
display: block;
max-width: 400px;
max-height: 350px;
margin: auto;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
border-radius: 3px;
#display {
max-width: 500px;
margin: auto;
padding: 10px;
#app {
width: 350px;
margin: 0 auto;
.details {
padding-left: 10px;
/*apply custom css to first level*/
.mytree .e-level-1>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
font-style: italic;
/*apply custom css to second level*/
.mytree .e-level-2>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
color: darkmagenta;
/*apply custom css to all the leaf nodes*/
.mytree .e-level-3>.e-text-content .e-list-text {
font-weight: bold;