Data binding in Vue Treemap component

16 Mar 20232 minutes to read

The TreeMap control supports data binding using the dataSource property.

Populate data

The dataSource property accepts collection values as input. For example, a list of objects can be provided as input. Data can be given as either flat or hierarchical collection to the dataSource property.

Flat collection

The following code shows, how to bind a flat collection as data source to the TreeMap control.

    <div class="control_wrapper">
        <ejs-treemap id="treemap"  :dataSource='dataSource' :weightValuePath='weightValuePath' :leafItemSettings='leafItemSettings'></ejs-treemap>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { TreeMapPlugin } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-treemap";

export default {
  data: function() {
    return {
     dataSource: [
        {State:"United States", GDP:17946, percentage:11.08, Rank:1},
    {State:"China", GDP:10866, percentage: 28.42, Rank:2},
    {State:"Japan", GDP:4123, percentage:-30.78, Rank:3},
    {State:"Germany", GDP:3355, percentage:-5.19, Rank:4},
    {State:"United Kingdom", GDP:2848, percentage:8.28, Rank:5},
    {State:"France", GDP:2421, percentage:-9.69, Rank:6},
    {State:"India", GDP:2073, percentage:13.65, Rank:7},
    {State:"Italy", GDP:1814, percentage:-12.45, Rank:8},
    {State:"Brazil", GDP:1774, percentage:-27.88, Rank:9},
    {State:"Canada", GDP:1550, percentage:-15.02, Rank:10}
    weightValuePath: 'GDP',
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'State'