Selection in Vue Treegrid component

16 Mar 20235 minutes to read

Selection provides an option to highlight a row or cell.

Selection can be done through simple Mouse down or Arrow keys.

To disable selection in the TreeGrid, set the allowSelection to false.

The treegrid supports two types of selection that can be set by using the
selectionSettings.type.They are:

  • Single - The Single value is set by default. Allows you to select only a single row or cell.
  • Multiple - Allows you to select multiple rows or cells.

To perform the multi-selection, press and hold CTRL key and click the desired rows or cells.
To select range of rows or cells, press and hold the SHIFT key and click the rows or cells.

To get start quickly with selection options, you can check on this video:

<div id="app">
        <ejs-treegrid :dataSource='data' childMapping='subtasks' :treeColumnIndex='1' :allowPaging='true' :selectionSettings='selectionOptions'>
                <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' width='90' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
                <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' width='160'></e-column>
                <e-column field='startDate' headerText='Start Date' width='90' format="yMd" textAlign='Right'></e-column>
                <e-column field='duration' headerText='Duration' width='80' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
import Vue from "vue";
import { TreeGridPlugin, Page } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-treegrid";
import { sampleData } from "./datasource.js";


export default {
  data ()  {
    return {
      data: sampleData,
      pageSettings: { pageSize: 7 },
      selectionOptions: { type: 'Multiple' }
  provide: {
      treegrid: [ Page ]

Selection mode

TreeGrid supports three types of selection mode which can be set by using
selectionSettings.mode. They are:

  • Row - The row value is set by default. Allows you to select rows only.
  • Cell - Allows you to select cells only.
  • Both - Allows you to select rows and cells at the same time.
<div id="app">
        <ejs-treegrid :dataSource='data' childMapping='subtasks' :treeColumnIndex='1' :allowPaging='true' :selectionSettings='selectionOptions' >
                <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' width='90' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
                <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' width='160'></e-column>
                <e-column field='startDate' headerText='Start Date' width='90' format="yMd" textAlign='Right'></e-column>
                <e-column field='duration' headerText='Duration' width='80' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
import Vue from "vue";
import { TreeGridPlugin, Page } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-treegrid";
import { sampleData } from "./datasource.js";


export default {
  data ()  {
    return {
      data: sampleData,
      selectionOptions: { mode: 'Both' }
  provide: {
      treegrid: [ Page ]