Change orientation of header text in Vue Treegrid component

16 Mar 20234 minutes to read

You can change the orientation of the header text by using the customAttributes property.

Ensure the following steps:

Step 1:

Create a css class with orientation style for treegrid header cell.

.orientationcss .e-headercelldiv {
    transform: rotate(90deg);

Step 2:

Add the custom css class to particular column by using customAttributes property.

    <e-column field='endDate' headerText='End Date' width='90' format="yMd" :customAttributes= "{class: 'orientationcss'}" textAlign='Center'></e-column>

Step 3:

Resize the header cell height in create event by using the following code.

  setHeaderHeight: function(args) {
      let textWidth = document.querySelector(".orientationcss > div").scrollWidth; //Obtain the width of the headerText content.
      let headerCell = document.querySelectorAll(".e-headercell");
      for (let i = 0; i < headerCell.length; i++) {
        headerCell.item(i).style.height = textWidth + "px"; //Assign the obtained textWidth as the height of the headerCell.
  <div id="app">
        <ejs-treegrid :dataSource="data" :treeColumnIndex="1" height='210px' :created='setHeaderHeight' childMapping="subtasks" ref="treegrid">
          <e-column field="taskID" headerText="Task ID" width="70" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
          <e-column field="taskName" headerText="Task Name" width="100" ></e-column>
          <e-column field="startDate" headerText="Start Date" format="yMd" textAlign="Right" width="90"></e-column>
          <e-column field="endDate" headerText="End Date" width="90" format="yMd" :customAttributes= "{class: 'orientationcss'}" textAlign="Center"></e-column>
          <e-column field="duration" headerText="Duration" width="90" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
          <e-column field="progress" headerText="progress" width="90" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
import Vue from "vue";
import { TreeGridPlugin } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-treegrid";
import { sampleData } from "./datasource.js";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      data: sampleData,
  methods: {
    setHeaderHeight: function(args) {
      let textWidth = document.querySelector(".orientationcss > div").scrollWidth; //Obtain the width of the headerText content.
      let headerCell = document.querySelectorAll(".e-headercell");
      for (let i = 0; i < headerCell.length; i++) {
        headerCell.item(i).style.height = textWidth + "px"; //Assign the obtained textWidth as the height of the headerCell.
   .orientationcss .e-headercelldiv {
    transform: rotate(90deg);