Module injection in Vue Schedule component

12 Jul 20241 minute to read

The crucial step on creating a Scheduler with required views, is to import and inject the required modules. The modules that are available on Scheduler to work with its related functionalities are as follows.

  • Day - Inject this module to work with day view.
  • Week - Inject this module to work with week view.
  • WorkWeek - Inject this module to work with work week view.
  • Month - Inject this module to work with month view.
  • Year - Inject this module to work with year view.
  • Agenda - Inject this module to work with agenda view.
  • MonthAgenda - Inject this module to work with month agenda view.
  • TimelineViews - Inject this module to work with timeline day, timeline week, and timeline work week views.
  • TimelineMonth - Inject this module to work with timeline month view.
  • TimelineYear - Inject this module to work with timeline year view.
  • DragAndDrop - Inject this module to allow drag and drop of appointments on Scheduler.
  • Resize - Inject this module for enabling the resize functionality of appointments on Scheduler.
  • ExcelExport - Inject this module for exporting the Scheduler events data as excel file format.
  • ICalendarExport - Inject this module for exporting the Scheduler events data to an ICS file.
  • ICalendarImport - Inject this module for importing the Scheduler events data from an ICS file.

Module injection

The required modules should be injected into the Scheduler using the provide method of Scheduler within the app.vue file as shown below. On doing so, only the injected module functionalities will be loaded and can be worked with Scheduler.


  provide: {
    schedule: [Day, Week, WorkWeek, Month, Agenda, MonthAgenda]

Note: If a Scheduler currentView is set to any one of the available views without injecting that respective view module, then a script error will occur and the Scheduler will not render.

You can refer to our Vue Scheduler feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Vue Scheduler example to knows how to present and manipulate data.