Essential Studio for Vue Release Notes

January 04, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • #I419341 - The Blank carousel item displayed on autoplay when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F179514 - Now the alignment of text is proper in the header of the tooltip and crosshair tooltip text.
  • #I401851 - Axis title overlaps with axis labels issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I427235 - The issue cssClass property not updated properly while string with a white space in the end of the property in checkbox has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422262 - Added the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled Chip items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I417583 - The issue “Selected value is not updated based on value when dynamically updating datasource” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I424794 - The issue with “Script error thrown in context menu when navigate using the keyboard” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F171486 - Issue with “performance delay in the popup open while entering invalid start or end date value” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I426113 - Now, bezier control points dragging is restricted when we hide control points.
  • #I425406 - Now, the bezier segment points are not static when we move connector source or target node.
  • #I422049 - Now, calling doLayout after injecting line routing module working properly.
  • #I421754 - The issue on tooltip relative mode mouse is now working properly.
  • #I423978 - Now, HTML nodes gets update properly in the overview while auto scroll the diagram.


Bug Fixes

  • #I423889 - Resolved the text alignment issue in RTL paragraph.
  • #I423889 - Resolved the content overlapping issue in RTL paragraph
  • #F179129 - Resolved the paragraph format applying issue.
  • #I419630 - Resolved the script error while opening a document containing clustered bar chart.
  • #I422366, #I423320 - Resolved the script error while removing content in protected document.
  • #I424337 - Handled mouse selection inside table cell similar to Microsoft Word.
  • #F179297 - Resolved the comment icon positioning issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #I421870- Record does not update properly when its modified in actionBegin event issue has been fixed.
  • #I420414 - Row height issue in task mode has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422739 - New record ID undefined on Infinite Scroll Grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I423348 - autoFitColumns does not work with Frozen Grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I423530 - Row deselection is not working in Virtualization with checkbox column issue has been fixed.
  • #I419838 - Custom filter dialog throws script error when we render filter template issue has been fixed.
  • #I425422 - Persistence is not working on ForeignKeyColumn filter is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I420527 - The mentioned accessibility issue has been resolved in the ListView component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422992 - Now, the cssClass property works fine in the Mention component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I423751 - The issue “MultiSelect height not being set properly in the tailwind theme” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I412717 - The issue “typing zero does not updated on two way binding numeric textbox” has been resolved.
  • #I417969 - The issue “Clear button does not working after the component is enabled” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I399919 - Resolved the bar chart rendering issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422857 - Now, the problem with the signature value disappearing from the collection while scrolling has been fixed.
  • #I411856 - Fixed the accessibility issues with the PDF Viewer component.
  • #I423893 - Now, script error not occurs while double clicking on free text annotation.
  • #I427362 - Now, the checkbox background color is properly updated while rendering using form field module.
  • #I427364 - Now, the button images are rendered properly while scrolling the document.
  • #I421445 - Now, the multiple Font-styles(bold, italic, underline and strikeout) can be applied together for textbox fields.
  • #I426174 - Now, the form fields that have been selected programmatically can be deleted by using the delete key.
  • #I422813 - Now, value in the free text annotation will be updated properly in mobile environment.


  • #I424468 - Provided support for rendering the existing comb type textbox in form designer module.


Bug Fixes

  • #F179497 - The field list popup will now properly refresh while dynamically updating the data source in the pivot table.

Bug Fixes

  • #I423129 - Now, when Rich Text Editor is placed inside the modal dialog the hyperlink quickToolbar popup is visible.


Bug Fixes

  • #I420052 - Now progress bar API reference are refreshing properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F31632 - Accessibility issue in Query Builder has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I413509 - Now period selectors are updating properly for the range selector changes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I425639, #I425631 - Now, when editing the values in the Rich Text Editor, the script error is not thrown.
  • #I423129 - The toolbar bottom border now displays correctly while maximizing and minimizing the Rich Text Editor.
  • #F179458 - Now, localization text of source Code and preview in tooltip are shown properly when hover the icons.
  • #F179343 - Now, maximize and minimize toolbar icon of localization text is shown properly when hover the icons.


Bug Fixes

  • #I425268 - An issue with drag and drop flickering with eventDragArea in timeline views has been fixed.
  • #I424662 - An issue with appointment resizing in month view with scrollbar has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I413810 - The issue with the custom component does not get unmounted with the property update, when placed inside the content template has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422288 - Issue with “custom formula values are not updated properly while exporting the workbook” has been resolved.
  • #I422232 - Issue with “SUMIFS formula is not working properly while providing as nested formula to the SUM formula” has been resolved.
  • #F179330 - Issue with “custom function reference is removed from the control instance while calling the refresh method” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I418512 - Console error when specifying labelRotation for stockchart issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F179514 - Now the alignment of tooltip header and crosshair text is rendering properly without overlap.


Bug Fixes

  • #I422226 - An issue with while using underscore on tab id wrong content shown has been resolved.
  • #F179266 - Tab height does not change dynamically when heightAdjustMode has set as Fill mode has been resolved.


  • #I348957 - Provided option to specify tabindex attribute to control the tab key order of tab header elements.


Bug Fixes

  • #I415324 - The issue “Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component” has been resolved.



  • #I348957 - Provided option to specify tabindex attribute to control the tab key order of the toolbar elements.


Bug Fixes

  • #I415013 - Resolved detached elements memory leak issue in the Tooltip component.
  • #I415386 - The issue “Tooltip did not appear for the second time when using the tab key to focus on the remove icon of the uploader component” has been resolved.


  • Provided the shimmer effect for tree grid while loading, refreshing and data processing. Please find the demo here.
  • #I307202, #FB20655 - Provided support to load child records on demand while virtual scrolling in remote data binding. Find more details in the documentation here.


Bug Fixes

  • #F178496 - The legend items now render in the same order as the color mapping objects.


Bug Fixes

  • #I424859 - The issue with the “TreeView isInteracted property returning false value with the NodeExpanded and NodeCollapsed event” has been fixed.