Essential Studio for Vue Release Notes
December 28, 2022
We have removed the Syncfusion Licensing NuGet package v20.4.0.40 from the due to an issue with it. To resolve any compilation issues or warnings while using this, upgrade your Syncfusion NuGet packages version to v20.4.0.41 or later.
Bug Fixes
- Now axis label is aligned properly when minimum value is high. -
- Trendline is now proper for zero values, -
- Now zooming the multi colored line is working properly.
Bug Fixes
- Added the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled Chip items.
- WhenanimationDuration
is set in the rounded range bar pointer, the path element for the pointer is now improved.
Bug Fixes
- Accessibility issue in context menu has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “performance delay in the popup open while entering invalid start or end date value” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, bezier connector rendered properly while save and load the diagram. -
- Now, dropping bpmn text annotation node inside the swimlane is working properly.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the paragraph overlapping and border issue while opening the attached document. -
- Attached document with hyperlink text is now displayed properly. -
- Resolved the overlap issue in options pane.
Bug Fixes
- Accessibility issue in DropDownButton has been resolved. -
- Keyboard navigation not working properly when we set arguments cancel property as true inbeforeClose
event of DropDownButton has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the error after perform filtering in Dropdown Tree while updating data dynamically. -
- Resolved the error after perform filtering in Dropdown Tree while updating data dynamically
Bug Fixes
- Modified the “\n” character at end of row as “\r\n” in Grid to CSV export.
The Floating Action Button (FAB) component performs the primary action that appears in front of all screen contents. It can be positioned in relation to a page or a target container.
- Rendering - The FAB component can be rendered as Icon only, Icon with Label, Label only, or in a disabled state.
- Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
- Styles - The appearance of the FAB can be customized using predefined styles.
Accessibility - The FAB provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- TheactionBegin
event receives more records as modified data when task is edited issue has been fixed. -
- Persistence settings prevent changing the timeline settings issue has been fixed. -
- Issue when predecessor is given for unscheduled parent issue has been fixed. -
- Customize baseline colour inqueryTaskbarInfo
event in segmented tasks issue has been fixed. -
- Taskbar appearing on next date issue has been fixed. -
- Progress value issue in parent task has been fixed. -
- Baseline not properly rendered after moving Milestone.
Bug Fixes
- Script error thrown when saving the data with Shimmer effect issue has been fixed. -
- Header tooltip displays when the header text is wrapped andclipMode
is set issue has been fixed. -
- Ellipsis With Tooltip is now working fine with batch editing. -
- Unable to filter the menu with autocomplete when grouping is applied has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “Toolbar Alignment” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “Data source not update properly when we filtering and clicking move All button in listbox toolbar sample” has been resolved. -
- Issue with “actionBegin
event argument not passes the filtered item properly while filtering and clicking move All button in listbox toolbar sample” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the annotations are not delete while drag, resize or deleting the form fields. -
- Now, the strike through can now be added to free text annotations programmatically. -
- Now, the issue with the document’s signature disappearing has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Advanced filtering now works properly in a pivot table.
Bug Fixes
- Now, when Rich Text Editor is placed inside the modal dialog the hyperlink quickToolbar popup is visible.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed. -
- Issue with Field Dropdown list popups get collapses when we usevalidateFields
method in query builder has been fixed
Bug Fixes
- Now, when editing the values in the Rich Text Editor, the script error is not thrown. -
- The toolbar bottom border now displays correctly while maximizing and minimizing the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, localization text of source Code and preview in tooltip are shown properly when hover the icons. -
- Now, maximize and minimize toolbar icon of localization text is shown properly when hover the icons.
The Speed Dial component is an extension of the floating action button that displays a list of action buttons when clicked. It is useful when there is more than one primary action for the page.
- Rendering - The Speed Dial component can be rendered in two display modes: Linear and Radial.
- Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
- Styles - The appearance of the Speed Dial can be customized using predefined styles.
- Template Support - The Speed Dial component action items and popup container can also be rendered with custom templates.
- Modal Support - Supports showing a modal overlay behind the Speed Dial.
Accessibility - The Speed Dial provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “custom formula values are not updated properly while exporting the workbook” has been resolved. -
- Issue with “SUMIFS
formula is not working properly while providing as nested formula to theSUM
formula” has been resolved. -
- Issue with “custom function reference is removed from the control instance while calling therefresh
method” has been resolved.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.