Essential Studio for Vue Release Notes

August 4, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • Sortable helper element hide inside the sidebar issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #286597 - Tooltip showing out of the chart area issue fixed.
  • #286177 - Pie chart data labels are overlapped when smart labels are enabled issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Updated the license configuration.


Bug Fixes

  • #264082 - The issue of “Sometimes difficult to make the connection to a port when set ConnectToNearByNode constraints” has been fixed.
  • #283092 - The issue of “Exception throws when try to append a new diagram at run time In IE11” has been fixed.
  • #281759 - The issue of “SVG node do not gets visible in diagram” has been fixed.
  • #284823 - The issue of “DataLoaded event do not gets trigger after data loaded” has been fixed.
  • #285793 - The issue with “Bring to front does not work for group node” has been fixed.


  • #276871 - support to add symbol description for symbols in palette.

Bug Fixes

  • The accessibility issue with “The Dropdown Tree text is not reading properly when enabling the multi-selection support” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Number format separator issue is fixed in EJ2 Grid to Excel export.


Bug Fixes

  • Updated the license configuration.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “The Toolbar is not updated while adding the sortOrder property value as none” is fixed now.


Bug Fixes

  • #285626 - Console error while rendering multiple Gantt has been fixed.
  • #285749 - Issue on parent progress calculation while delete child record has been fixed.


  • #287282 - Provided support to change viewType of Gantt dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #155948 - Grid pager text issue has been fixed.
  • #285963, #282379 - Provided catch exception for pdf exporting using custom datasource.
  • #286379 - rowSelected event arguments in row data, issue has been fixed.
  • #286293 - Excel export aggregations misalignment while using the command column, issue has been fixed.
  • #156328 - Filterbar operator alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #273866 - Column resize icon issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #284643 - The issue with “Keyborad actions closes the editor and calls the save action” has been resolved.



  • #285392 - Enable / disable list items based on unique value support provided.


Bug Fixes

  • #266152 - The issue with “List selection with delete key action does not remove lists properly” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

#I282749- Cell alignment issue while applying data validation has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

282905 - Now, Cross-Site Scripting issues will no longer occurs for placeholder property.