Essential Studio for Vue Release Notes

October 30, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #252357 - ‘remove’ method is not support in IE 11 issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #250412 - The axis missing in polar and radar issue is fixed.
  • #148064 - Legend color is not working when using point color mapping issue is fixed.
  • #252450 - Selection while clicking on marker border issue is fixed.


  • #249556 - Provided smart data label for polar radar chart.
  • #249971 - Provided support to trim polar radar axis labels based on available size.


Bug Fixes

  • #251466 - Now, you can set width property in em unit.
  • #251650 - Issue with ‘filtered list item is not getting focused when set filter type as contains’ has been resolved.
  • #251325 - Issue with “once combobox popup open is prevented by setting args.cancel as true in open event then you can’t remove the prevent a popup opening using open event” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F147793 - ContextMenu not closed while scrolling the target element has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #249091 - The issue with the grid lines that are black in Safari browser for Angular sample has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #251576 - Enable repeat row header is now enabled properly in table properties dialog.
  • #250638 - Scroll position is now maintained after inserting columns.
  • #253260 - Script error now resolved when double click on header footer.
  • #252506 - Spell checker performance has been improved.

Bug Fixes

  • #251466 - Now, you can set width property in em unit.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue file manager throws script error when navigate to the different folder after sorting the path column in details view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #251660 - Grouping with Virtualization throws script error has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Border for the linear gauge is rendering properly now.


Bug Fixes

  • #F147087 - script error “class List of undefined” while grouping has been fixed.
  • #F147408 - Move To toolbar button not working when loading the list box using remote data has been resolved.
  • #249771 - script error while performing the toolbar actions in dual ListBox with data manager in EJ2 MVC has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #251219 - The content security policy issue has been fixed.



  • Improved the marker cluster appearance for duplicate markers.


Bug Fixes

  • #251466 - Now, you can set width property in em unit.


Bug Fixes

  • #251466 - Now, you can set width property in em unit.


Bug Fixes

  • #I251864 - The pages in the landscape document will be rendered properly.
  • #I250902 - Now, the text Markup annotations are working properly inside the Tab control.
  • #I250538 - The ajaxRequestFailed event will be triggered for all the possible ajax error codes.
  • #I252269 – The mouse cursor has been updated properly after adding the free text annotation.
  • #I251401 - The annotationSelect event will be triggered properly while selecting the annotations.


  • #I252111 - Provided the support for handwritten signature.
  • #I251149 - Provided the support for customizing the text search highlight color.


Bug Fixes

  • Value not updated properly while changing ‘Between’ operator.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with adding Items in ‘beforeOpen’ event is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #252410 - Resolved the issue with collapsing panes when set collapsed property as true in Splitter.
  • #252410 - Issue with Expand public method not working in the splitter has been resolved.
  • #252195 - The alignment issue with expand and collapse icons in the internet explorer browser has been resolved.
  • #253345 - The Console error thrown when navigating from splitter component to another page has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #249633 - Row Drag and Drop works fine with RemoteSaveAdaptor in SelfReference Data.