Paging in Vue Pivotview component

8 Aug 202324 minutes to read

Paging allows you to load large amounts of data that can be divided and displayed page by page in the pivot table. It can be enabled by setting the enablePaging property to true. It can be configured at code-behind by using the pageSettings property, during initial rendering of the component. The properties required are:

  • currentRowPage: Allows user to set the current row page number to be displayed in the pivot table.
  • currentColumnPage: Allows user to set the current column page number to be displayed in the pivot table.
  • rowPageSize: Allows user to set the total number of records to be displayed on each page of the pivot table’s row axis.
  • columnPageSize: Allows user to set the total number of records to be displayed on each page of the pivot table’s column axis.

Pager UI

When paging is enabled, a built-in pager UI appears at the bottom of the pivot table, allowing you to change the current page in the row and column axes by navigating to a desired page using the navigation buttons or an input text box, as well as change the page size via dropdown at runtime.

You can also change the position, visibility, compact view, and template of the row and column pagers by using the pagerSettings.

In order to see and use the pager UI, insert the Pager module into the pivot table using the provide section.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        position: 'Bottom',
        enableCompactView: false,
        showColumnPager: true,
        showRowPager: true,
        columnPageSizes: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100],
        rowPageSizes: [10, 50, 100, 200],
        isInversed: false,
        showColumnPageSize: true,
        showRowPageSize: true
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Show pager UI at top or bottom

You can display the pager UI at top or bottom of the pivot table by using the position property. To show the pager UI at top of the pivot table, set the position property in pagerSettings to Top.

By default, the pager UI appears at the bottom of the pivot table.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        position: 'Top'
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Inverse pager

Toggles and displays row and column pager. To show the column pager on the left side of the pager UI, set the isInversed property in pagerSettings to true.

By default, the row pager is displayed on the left side of the pager UI, while the column pager is displayed on the right side.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        isInversed: true
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Compact view

By hiding all except the previous and next navigation buttons, the pager UI can be displayed with the absolute minimum of paging options. The compact view can be enabled by setting the enableCompactView property in pagerSettings to true.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        enableCompactView: true
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Show or hide paging option

By using the showRowPager and showColumnPager properties in pagerSettings, you can show or hide row and column pager separately in the pager UI.

In the following example, row pager has been disabled by setting the showRowPager property in pagerSettings to false.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        showRowPager: false
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Show or hide page size

By using the showRowPageSize and showColumnPageSize properties in pagerSettings, you can show or hide “Rows per page” and “Columns per page” dropdown menu. The dropdown menu contains a list of pre-defined or user-defined page sizes, which will be displayed in the “Rows per page” and “Columns per page” dropdowns, allowing you to change the page size for the row and column axes at runtime.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        showColumnPageSize: false,
        showRowPageSize: false
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";

Customize page size

By using the rowPageSizes and columnPageSizes properties in pagerSettings, you can specify a set of desired page sizes, which will be displayed in the “Rows per page” and “Columns per page” dropdowns, allowing you to change the page size for the row and column axes at runtime.

By default, the “Rows per page” dropdown have pre-defined page sizes of 10, 50, 100, and 200, while the “Columns per page” dropdown have pre-defined page sizes of 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100.

In the following example, the “Rows per page” dropdown is set with user-defined page sizes of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 and the “Columns per page” dropdown is set with user-defined page sizes of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        columnPageSizes: [5, 10, 15, 20, 30],
        rowPageSizes: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";


The template property allows to change the appearance of the pager UI by displaying user-defined HTML elements instead of built-in HTML elements.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-pivotview id="pivotview-template" ref="pivotview" :dataSourceSettings="dataSourceSettings" :height="height" :enablePaging="enablePaging" :pageSettings="pageSettings" :pagerSettings="pagerSettings" :gridSettings="gridSettings" :dataBound="onDataBound"> </ejs-pivotview>

import Vue from "vue";
import { PivotViewPlugin, Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview";
import { DataManager, WebApiAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';
import { Pager as GridPager } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "@syncfusion/ej2-base";


let remoteData: DataManager = new DataManager({
  url: "",
  adaptor: new WebApiAdaptor(),
  crossDomain: true

let rowPager: GridPager;
let columnPager: GridPager;

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: remoteData as DataManager,
        expandAll: true,
        filters: [],
        columns: [{ name: 'ProductName', caption: 'Product Name' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'ShipCountry', caption: 'Ship Country' }, { name: 'ShipCity', caption: 'Ship City' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'UnitPrice', format: 'C0' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Quantity' }, { name: 'UnitPrice', caption: 'Unit Price' }]
      height: 350,
      enablePaging: true,
      pageSettings: {
        rowPageSize: 10,
        columnPageSize: 5,
        currentColumnPage: 1,
        currentRowPage: 1
      pagerSettings: {
        template: '#template'
      gridSettings: { columnWidth: 120 },
  methods: {
    onDataBound: function() {
    updateTemplate() {
        let pivotObj = document.getElementById('pivotview-template').ej2_instances[0];;
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(rowPager)) {
            rowPager = null;
        rowPager = new GridPager({
            pageSize: pivotObj.pageSettings.rowPageSize,
            totalRecordsCount: pivotObj.engineModule.rowCount,
            currentPage: pivotObj.pageSettings.currentRowPage,
            pageCount: 5,
            click: this.rowPageClick
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(columnPager)) {
            columnPager = null;
        columnPager = new GridPager({
            pageSize: pivotObj.pageSettings.columnPageSize,
            totalRecordsCount: pivotObj.engineModule.columnCount,
            currentPage: pivotObj.pageSettings.currentColumnPage,
            pageCount: 5,
            click: this.columnPageClick
    rowPageClick(args: any) {
        let pivotObj = document.getElementById('pivotview-template').ej2_instances[0];;
        pivotObj.pageSettings.currentRowPage = args.currentPage;
    columnPageClick(args: any) {
        let pivotObj = document.getElementById('pivotview-template').ej2_instances[0];;
        pivotObj.pageSettings.currentColumnPage = args.currentPage;
  provide: {
    pivotview: [Pager]
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pivotview/styles/material.css";