Authorization token in Vue Pdfviewer component

28 Sep 20231 minute to read

The PDF Viewer library allows you to include the authorization token in the PDF viewer AJAX request using the properties of the ajaxRequest header available in AjaxRequestSettings, and it will be included in every AJAX request send from PDF Viewer.

The following steps are used to include the authorization token to the PDF viewer control.

Step 1: Follow the steps provided in the link to create simple PDF Viewer sample in React.

Step 2: Add the following code snippet to include the authorization token.


import Vue from 'vue';
import { PdfViewerPlugin, Toolbar, Magnification, Navigation, LinkAnnotation, 
         BookmarkView,ThumbnailView, Print,TextSelection, TextSearch, 
         Annotation, FormDesigner, FormFields } from '@syncfusion/ej2-vue-pdfviewer';

export default {
  data () {
    return {

      // Include Authorization Token.
        ajaxHeaders: [
        headerName: 'Authorization',

        headerValue: 'Bearer 64565dfgfdsjweiuvbiuyhiueygf'
      withCredentials: false
  provide: {
PdfViewer: [ Toolbar, Magnification, Navigation, LinkAnnotation, BookmarkView, ThumbnailView,
             Print, TextSelection, TextSearch, Annotation, FormDesigner, FormFields ]}


Find the Sample, how to include authorization token