Sorting in Vue Grid component

3 May 20241 minute to read

You can customize the appearance of the sorting icons and multi sorting icons in the Syncfusion Vue Grid component using CSS.You can use the available Syncfusion icons based on your theme. Here’s how to do it:

Customizing the grid sorting icon

To customize the sorting icon that appears in the Grid header when sorting is applied, you can use the following CSS code:

.e-grid .e-icon-ascending::before {
    content: '\e7a3'; /* Icon code for ascending order */
.e-grid .e-icon-descending::before {
    content: '\e7b6'; /* Icon code for descending order */

In this example, the .e-icon-ascending::before class targets the sorting icon for ascending order, and the .e-icon-descending::before class targets the sorting icon for descending order.

Grid sorting icon

Customizing the grid multi sorting icon

To customize the multi sorting icon that appears in the grid header when multiple columns are sorted, you can use the following CSS code:

.e-grid .e-sortnumber {
    background-color: #deecf9;
    font-family: cursive;

In this example, the .e-sortnumber class targets the background color and font family of the multi sorting icon. You can modify the background-color and font-family properties to customize the appearance of the multi sorting icon.

Grid multi sorting icon