Editing in Vue Grid component

16 Mar 20231 minute to read

Customizing the edited and added row element

Use the below CSS to customize the Grid edited and added row table elements

.e-grid .e-editedrow table,
.e-grid .e-addedrow table {
    background-color: #deecf9;

Customizing the edited row input element

Grid edited row input elements can be customized using the below CSS.

.e-grid .e-gridform .e-rowcell .e-input-group .e-input.e-field {
    font-family: cursive;

Customizing the edit dialog header element

Use the below CSS to customize the Grid edit dialog header element

.e-edit-dialog .e-dlg-header-content {
    background-color: #deecf9;

Customizing the edited row input element in dialog edit mode

Below CSS customizes the Grid edited row input element in Dialog edit mode

.e-gridform .e-rowcell .e-float-input .e-field {
    font-family: cursive;

Customizing the command column buttons

Use the below CSS to customize the command column buttons such as edit, delete, update, and cancel.

.e-grid .e-edit::before, .e-grid .e-delete::before {
    color: #ff8787;

.e-grid .e-update::before, .e-grid .e-cancel-icon::before  {
    color: #0078d7;

Customize command column button