Access grid instance in Vue Grid component

28 Mar 20236 minutes to read

You can access the instance of the Vue Grid in the following way.

dataBound: function (args) {
    var gridObj = this.$refs.grid1.$el.ej2_instances[0]; // get the instance of the Grid.
    Object.assign(gridObj.filterModule.filterOperators, {
        startsWith: "contains", // change the default operator as contains for string type column.

In the following sample, the filter operation is performed by getting the instance of the Vue Grid component.

    <div id="app">
        <ejs-grid ref="grid1" :dataSource="data" :allowPaging="true" :allowFiltering="true" :filterSettings="filterOptions" :dataBound="dataBound">
                <e-column field="InternalDocumentNo" headerText="InternalDocumentNo" width="180" isPrimaryKey="true" headerTextAlign="center">
                <e-column field="DocumentNumber" headerText="DocumentNumber" width="180" headerTextAlign="center" :filter="filterOptions">
                <e-column field="CustomerCode" headerText="CustomerCode" width="180" headerTextAlign="center">
                <e-column field="WarehouseName" headerText="WarehouseName" width="180" isPrimaryKey="true" headerTextAlign="center">
import Vue from "vue";
import { GridPlugin, Page, Filter } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-grids";


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            data: [
                InternalDocumentNo: 84374,
                DocumentNumber: "SOV-7855",
                CustomerCode: "0500733131",
                WarehouseName: "Main Warehouse"
                InternalDocumentNo: 84372,
                DocumentNumber: "SOV-7853",
                CustomerCode: "0500733132",
                WarehouseName: "Main Warehouse"
                InternalDocumentNo: 84365,
                DocumentNumber: "SOV-7852",
                CustomerCode: "0500733131",
                WarehouseName: "Main Warehouse"
                InternalDocumentNo: 84358,
                DocumentNumber: "SOV-7850",
                CustomerCode: "0500733131",
                WarehouseName: "Main Warehouse",
                InternalDocumentNo: 84357,
                DocumentNumber: "SOV-7849",
                CustomerCode: "0500733131",
                WarehouseName: "Main Warehouse"
            filterOptions: {
                operator: "contains",
    methods: {
        dataBound: function (args) {
            var gridObj = this.$refs.grid1.$el.ej2_instances[0];
            Object.assign(gridObj.filterModule.filterOperators, {
                startsWith: "contains", // change the default operator as contains for string type column
    provide: {
        grid: [Page, Filter]
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-grids/styles/material.css";