Multiple gantt exporting in Vue Gantt component

16 Mar 202324 minutes to read

In Gantt, the Excel export provides support to export multiple Gantt data in new sheet or same sheet.

Same sheet

The Excel export provides support to export multiple Gantt data in the same sheet. To export in same sheet, define multipleExport.type as AppendToSheet in ExcelExportProperties. You can also provide blank rows between exported multiple Gantt data. These blank rows count can be defined using multipleExport.blankRows.

     <p><b>First Gantt:</b></p>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt1' id="GanttContainer1" :dataSource="fData" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height1" :treeColumnIndex="1" :projectStartDate="projectStartDate" :projectEndDate="projectEndDate"></ejs-gantt>
    <p><b>Second Gantt:</b></p>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt2' id="GanttContainer2" :dataSource="sData" :taskFields="taskFields" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height2" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>  
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData  } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        fData: [ganttData[0]],
        sData: [ganttData[1]],
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport'],
        projectStartDate: new Date('03/31/2019'),
        projectEndDate: new Date('04/14/2019'),
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer1_excelexport') {
                    var appendExcelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                        multipleExport: {type: 'AppendToSheet',blankRows: 2}
                    var FirstGantt = document.getElementById('GanttContainer1').ej2_instances[0];
                    var FirstGanttExport =  FirstGantt.excelExport(appendExcelExportProperties,true);
                    FirstGanttExport.then((fData) => {
                        var SecondGantt = document.getElementById('GanttContainer2').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
    gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

By default, multipleExport.blankRows value is 5.

New sheet

The Excel exporting provides support to export multiple Gantt in new sheet. To export in new sheet, define multipleExport.type as NewSheet in ExcelExportProperties.

     <p><b>First Gantt:</b></p>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt1' id="GanttContainer1" :dataSource="fData" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height1" :treeColumnIndex="1" :projectStartDate="projectStartDate" :projectEndDate="projectEndDate"></ejs-gantt>
    <p><b>Second Gantt:</b></p>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt2' id="GanttContainer2" :dataSource="sData" :taskFields="taskFields" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height2" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>  
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData  } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        fData: [ganttData[0]],
        sData: [ganttData[1]],
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport'],
        projectStartDate: new Date('03/31/2019'),
        projectEndDate: new Date('04/14/2019'),
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer1_excelexport') {
                    var appendExcelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                        multipleExport: {type: 'NewSheet'}
                    var FirstGantt = document.getElementById('GanttContainer1').ej2_instances[0];
                    var FirstGanttExport =  FirstGantt.excelExport(appendExcelExportProperties,true);
                    FirstGanttExport.then((fData) => {
                        var SecondGantt = document.getElementById('GanttContainer2').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
    gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

Customize the Excel export

Gantt Excel export allows the users to customize the exported document based on requirement.

Export hidden columns

In Gantt, the Excel export provides an option to export hidden columns by defining includeHiddenColumn as true.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :columns="columns" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        columns: [
            { field: 'TaskID', headerText:  'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
            { field: 'TaskName', headerText:  'Task Name', width: '150' },
            { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150', visible: false },
            { field: 'Duration',headerText: 'Duration', width: '150'},
            { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport', 'CsvExport'],
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties:ExcelExportProperties = {
                        includeHiddenColumn: true
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
                } else if( === 'GanttContainer_csvexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties:ExcelExportProperties = {
                        includeHiddenColumn: true
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

Show or hide columns on exported Excel

In Gantt, while exporting, you can show a hidden column or hide a visible column using the toolbarClick and excelExportComplete events.

In the toolbarClick event, using the property, you can show or hide columns by setting the column.visible property to true or false respectively.

Similarly, in the excelExportComplete event, you can revert the columns visibility back to the previous state.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :columns="columns"
        :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :excelExportComplete="excelExportComplete" :allowExcelExport='true'
        :height="height" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        columns: [
            { field: 'TaskID', headerText:  'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
            { field: 'TaskName', headerText:  'Task Name', width: '150' },
            { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150', visible: false },
            { field: 'Duration',headerText: 'Duration', width: '150'},
            { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport', 'CsvExport'],
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
                    ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[0].visible = true;
                    ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[3].visible = false;
                } else if( === 'GanttContainer_csvexport') {
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
                    ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[0].visible = true;
                    ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[3].visible = false;
        excelExportComplete: () => {
            var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
            ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[0].visible = false;
            ganttObj.treeGrid.grid.columns[3].visible = true;
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

Cell formatting during export

In Gantt, you can customize the TreeGrid cells in the exported document using the excelQueryCellInfoevent. In this event, you can format the TreeGrid cells of exported Excel and CSV documents based on the required condition.

In the following sample, the background color has been customized for TaskID column in the exported Excel using the and backColor properties.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :excelQueryCellInfo="excelQueryCellInfo" :queryCellInfo="queryCellInfo" :queryTaskbarInfo = "queryTaskbarInfo" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height" :treeColumnIndex="1" :columns = "columns" :labelSettings="labelSettings" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData  } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport'],
        columns: [
            { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100',visible:false  },
            { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '150' },
            { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
            { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
            { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' }
        labelSettings: {
            taskLabel: '${Progress}%'
        splitterSettings: {
            columnIndex: 3
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
        excelQueryCellInfo: (args: any) => {
            if(args.column.field == 'Progress'){
                if(args.value > 80) {
           = { backColor: '#A569BD' };
                else if(args.value < 20) {
           = { backColor: '#F08080' };
        queryTaskbarInfo: function(args) {
            if ( > 80) {
                args.progressBarBgColor = "#6C3483";
                args.taskbarBgColor = args.taskbarBorderColor = "#A569BD";
            } else if ( < 20) {
                args.progressBarBgColor = "#CD5C5C";
                args.taskbarBgColor = args.taskbarBorderColor = "#F08080";
        queryCellInfo: (args: any) => {
            if(args.column.field == 'Progress'){
                if( > 80) {
            = '#A569BD';
                else if( < 20) {
            = '#F08080';
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]


The Excel export also provides an option to include custom theme for exported Excel document.

To apply theme in exported Excel, define the theme in ExcelExportProperties.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height = "height" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport'],
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                            header: { fontName: 'Segoe UI', fontColor: '#666666' },
                            record: { fontName: 'Segoe UI', fontColor: '#666666' }
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

By default, material theme is applied to the exported Excel document.

The Excel export also allows users to include header and footer contents to the exported Excel document.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport'],
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                        header: {
                            headerRows: 7,
                            rows: [
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "Northwind Traders", style: { fontColor: '#C67878', fontSize: 20, hAlign: 'Center', bold: true, } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "2501 Aerial Center Parkway", style: { fontColor: '#C67878', fontSize: 15, hAlign: 'Center', bold: true, } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "Suite 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 USA", style: { fontColor: '#C67878', fontSize: 15, hAlign: 'Center', bold: true, } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "Tel +1 888.936.8638 Fax +1 919.573.0306", style: { fontColor: '#C67878', fontSize: 15, hAlign: 'Center', bold: true, } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, hyperlink: { target: '', displayText: '' }, style: { hAlign: 'Center' } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, hyperlink: { target: '' }, style: { hAlign: 'Center' } }] },
                        footer: {
                            footerRows: 4,
                            rows: [
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "Thank you for your business!", style: { hAlign: 'Center', bold: true } }] },
                                { cells: [{ colSpan: 4, value: "!Visit Again!", style: { hAlign: 'Center', bold: true } }] }
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]

File name for exported document

You can set the required file name for the exported document by defining the fileName property in ExcelExportProperties.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields="taskFields" :toolbar="toolbar" :toolbarClick="toolbarClick" :allowExcelExport='true' :height="height" :treeColumnIndex="1"></ejs-gantt>
import Vue from "vue";
import { GanttPlugin, Toolbar, ExcelExport, Selection } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { ganttData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
  data: function() {
        data: ganttData,
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        toolbar: ['ExcelExport', 'CsvExport'],
        toolbarClick: (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
                if ( === 'GanttContainer_excelexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
                } else if( === 'GanttContainer_csvexport') {
                    var excelExportProperties: ExcelExportProperties = {
                    var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
  provide: {
      gantt: [Toolbar, ExcelExport]