- Page size
- Page margins
- Header distance
- Footer distance
- Columns
- Breaks
- See Also
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Section format in Vue Document editor component
30 Mar 20232 minutes to read
Document Editor supports various section formatting such as page size, page margins, and more.
Page size
You can get or set the size of a section at cursor position by using the following sample code.
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.pageWidth = 500;
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.pageHeight = 600;
You can change the orientation of the page by swapping the values of page width and height respectively.
Page margins
Left and right page margin defines the gap between the document content from left and right side of the page respectively. Top and bottom page margins defines the gap between the document content from header and footer of the page respectively.
Refer to the following sample code.
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.leftMargin = 10;
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.rightMargin = 10;
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.bottomMargin = 10;
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.topMargin = 10;
Header distance
You can define the distance of header content from the top of the page by using the following sample code.
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.headerDistance = 72;
Footer distance
You can define the distance of footer content from the bottom of the page by using the following sample code.
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.footerDistance = 72;
You can define the number of columns, column width, and space between columns for the pages in a section.
The following code example illustrates how to define the two columns layout for the pages in a section.
let column = new SelectionColumnFormat(this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection);
column.width = 216;
column.space = 36;
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.columns = [column, column];
this.$refs.documenteditor.ej2Instances.selection.sectionFormat.lineBetweenColumns = true;
You can insert Column break. The following code indicate that the text following the column break will begin in the next column.
You can insert next page section break to start the new section on the next page.
The following code example illustrates how to insert a next page section break.
You can insert continuous section break to start the new section on the same page
The following code example illustrates how to insert a continuous section break