Resize in Vue Dialog component

16 Mar 20232 minutes to read

The Dialog supports resizing feature. To resize the dialog, we have to select and resize it by using its handle (grip) or hovering on any of the edges or borders of the dialog within the sample container.

The resizable dialog can be created by setting the enableResize property to true, which is used to change the size of a dialog dynamically and view its content with expanded mode. The resizeHandles property can also be configured for all the which directions in which the dialog should be resized. When you configure the target property along with the enableResize property, the dialog can be resized within its specified target container.

    <div id="target"  class="control-section">
        <ejs-dialog :header="header" :content="content" :enableResize='true' :resizeHandles='resizeHandles' :allowDragging="draggable" :target='target' :width='width'> </ejs-dialog>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { DialogPlugin } from '@syncfusion/ej2-vue-popups';
export default {
   data : function() {
    return {
        target: '#target',
        width: '300px',
        header: 'Dialog',
        resizeHandles: ['All'],
        draggable: true,
        content: 'This is a Dialog with resize enabled.'
@import "../../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-popups/styles/material.css";
    #app {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;
    .control-section {
        min-height: 355px;
        margin: 10px;