Accessibility in Vue Circular gauge component

27 Jun 20243 minutes to read

The Circular Gauge component follows commonly used accessibility guidelines and standards, such as ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2 standards, and WCAG roles.

The accessibility compliance for the Circular Gauge component is outlined below.

Yes - All features of the component meet the requirement.
Intermediate - Some features of the component do not meet the requirement.
No - The component does not meet the requirement.

WAI-ARIA attributes

The Circular Gauge component followed the WAI-ARIA patterns to meet the accessibility. The following ARIA attributes are used in the Circular Gauge component:

Attributes Purpose
role=region It is specified in the pointer, annotation, and title. The pointer supports the interactive drag-and-drop function to update the pointer value.
aria-label Provides an accessible name for the axis labels, title, legend item labels, text pointers and annotation.

Screen reading in Circular Gauge

Accessibility in the Circular Gauge component ensures that all users, regardless of ability or disability, can use screen reading. The following Circular Gauge elements will be read aloud using screen reading software, such as Narrator for Windows.

Elements Description
Axis labels Reads the axis labels of the Circular Gauge.
Title Reads the title of the Circular Gauge.
Legend item label Reads the label of the legend item in the Circular Gauge.
Text pointer Reads the text content shown as a pointer in Circular Gauge.
Annotation Reads the content specified in the annotation.

Ensuring accessibility

The Circular Gauge component’s accessibility levels are ensured through an accessibility-checker and axe-core software tools during automated testing.

The accessibility compliance of the Circular Gauge component is shown in the following sample. Open the sample in a new window to evaluate the accessibility of the Circular Gauge component with accessibility tools.

See also