Data editing in Vue Chart component

3 Mar 20236 minutes to read

Enable Data Editing

We can use the data editing through inject the DataEditing module in the chart provider. It provides drag and drop support to the rendered points. Now, we can change the location or value of the point based on its y value. To enable the data editing, set the enable property to true in the drag settings of the series. Also, we can set color using fill property and set the data editing minimum and maximum range using minY and maxY properties.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-chart id="container" :title='title' :primaryXAxis='primaryXAxis' :primaryYAxis="primaryYAxis" :legendSettings='legend' :chartArea="chartArea">
                <e-series :dataSource='columnData' type='Column' xName='x' yName='y' name='Product A' :marker="marker" :dragSettings="dragSettings"> </e-series>
                <e-series :dataSource='lineData' type='Line' xName='x' yName='y' name='Product B' :marker="marker" :dragSettings="dragSettings"> </e-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { ChartPlugin, LineSeries, ColumnSeries, DateTime, Tooltip, Legend, DataEditing } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
        columnData: [
                { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 21 }, { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 24 },
                { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 36 }, { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 38 },
                { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 54 }, { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 57 },
                { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 70 }
        lineData: [
                { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 21 }, { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 24 },
                { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 36 }, { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 38 },
                { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 54 }, { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 57 },
                { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 70 }
      primaryXAxis: {
        valueType: 'DateTime',
        labelFormat: 'y',
        intervalType: 'Years',
        edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift',
        majorGridLines: { width: 0 }
        labelFormat: '{value}%',
        rangePadding: 'None',
        minimum: 0,
        maximum: 100,
        interval: 20,
        lineStyle: { width: 0 },
        majorTickLines: { width: 0 },
        minorTickLines: { width: 0 }
    chartArea: {
        border: {
            width: 0
        title: 'Sales History of Product X',
        legend: { visible: false },
        marker: {
            visible: true, width: 10, height: 10
        dragSettings: {
            enable: true
  provide: {
    chart: [LineSeries, ColumnSeries, DateTime, Tooltip, Legend, DataEditing]
 #container {
    height: 350px;