Api series in Vue Chart component

3 Mar 20237 minutes to read

Configures the series in charts.


animation AnimationModel

Options to customizing animation for the series.

bearFillColor string

This property is used in financial charts to visualize the price movements in stock. It defines the color of the candle/point, when the opening price is less than the closing price.

Defaults to ‘#2ecd71’

binInterval number

The bin interval of each histogram points.

Defaults to null

border BorderModel

Options to customizing the border of the series. This is applicable only for Column and Bar type series.

boxPlotMode string

The mode of the box and whisker char series. They are,

Defaults to ‘Normal’

bullFillColor string

This property is used in financial charts to visualize the price movements in stock. It defines the color of the candle/point, when the opening price is higher than the closing price.

Defaults to ‘#e74c3d’

cardinalSplineTension number

It defines tension of cardinal spline types

Defaults to 0.5

close string

The DataSource field that contains the close value of y It is applicable for series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

columnSpacing number

To render the column series points with particular column spacing. It takes value from 0 - 1.

Defaults to 0

columnWidth number

To render the column series points with particular column width. If the series type is histogram the default value is 1 otherwise 0.7.

Defaults to null

connector ConnectorModel

Defines the appearance of line connecting adjacent points in waterfall charts.

cornerRadius CornerRadiusModel

To render the column series points with particular rounded corner.

dashArray string

Defines the pattern of dashes and gaps to stroke the lines in Line type series.

Defaults to ‘0’

dataSource Object | DataManager

Specifies the DataSource for the series. It can be an array of JSON objects or an instance of DataManager.

<div id='Chart'></div>
let dataManager: DataManager = new DataManager({
        url: 'http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/Tasks/'
let query: Query = new Query().take(50).where('Estimate', 'greaterThan', 0, false);
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    series: [{
       dataSource: dataManager,
       xName: 'Id',
       yName: 'Estimate',
       query: query

Defaults to ’’

drawType string

Type of series to be drawn in radar or polar series. They are

Defaults to ‘Line’

emptyPointSettings EmptyPointSettingsModel

options to customize the empty points in series

enableSolidCandles boolean

This property is applicable for candle series. It enables/disables to visually compare the current values with the previous values in stock.

Defaults to false

enableTooltip boolean

If set true, the Tooltip for series will be visible.

Defaults to true

errorBar ErrorBarSettingsModel

Options for displaying and customizing error bar for individual point in a series.

fill string

The fill color for the series that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string. It also represents the color of the signal lines in technical indicators. For technical indicators, the default value is ‘blue’ and for series, it has null.

Defaults to null

high string

The DataSource field that contains the high value of y It is applicable for series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

intermediateSumIndexes number[]

Defines the collection of indexes of the intermediate summary columns in waterfall chartshttps://ej2.syncfusion.com/vue/documentation

Defaults to []

isClosed boolean

Specifies whether to join start and end point of a line/area series used in polar/radar chart to form a closed path.

Defaults to true

legendShape string

The shape of the legend. Each series has its own legend shape. They are,

  • Circle
  • Rectangle
  • Triangle
  • Diamond
  • Cross
  • HorizontalLine
  • VerticalLine
  • Pentagon
  • InvertedTriangle
  • SeriesType

Defaults to ‘SeriesType’

low string

The DataSource field that contains the low value of y It is applicable for series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

marker MarkerSettingsModel

Options for displaying and customizing markers for individual points in a series.

maxRadius number

Maximum radius

Defaults to 3

minRadius number

Minimum radius

Defaults to 1

name string

The name of the series visible in legend.

Defaults to ’’

negativeFillColor string

Defines the visual representation of the negative changes in waterfall charts.

Defaults to ‘#C64E4A’

opacity number

The opacity of the series.

Defaults to 1

open string

The DataSource field that contains the open value of y It is applicable for series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

pointColorMapping string

The DataSource field that contains the color value of point It is applicable for series

Defaults to ’’

query Query

Specifies query to select data from DataSource. This property is applicable only when the DataSource is ej.DataManager.

Defaults to null

segmentAxis string

Defines the axis, based on which the line series will be split.

segments ChartSegmentModel[]

Defines the collection of regions that helps to differentiate a line series.

selectionStyle string

Custom style for the selected series or points.

Defaults to null

showMean boolean

If set true, the mean value for box and whisker will be visible.

Defaults to true

showNormalDistribution boolean

The normal distribution of histogram series.

Defaults to false

size string

The DataSource field that contains the size value of y

Defaults to ’’

splineType string

Defines type of spline to be rendered.

Defaults to ‘Natural’

stackingGroup string

This property allows grouping series in stacked column / bar charts. Any string value can be provided to the stackingGroup property. If any two or above series have the same value, those series will be grouped together.

Defaults to ’’

sumIndexes number[]

Defines the collection of indexes of the overall summary columns in waterfall charts.

Defaults to []

summaryFillColor string

Defines the visual representation of the summaries in waterfall charts.

Defaults to ‘#4E81BC’

trendlines TrendlineModel[]

Defines the collection of trendlines that are used to predict the trend

type string

The type of the series are

  • Line
  • Column
  • Area
  • Bar
  • Histogram
  • StackingColumn
  • StackingArea
  • StackingBar
  • StepLine
  • StepArea
  • Scatter
  • Spline
  • StackingColumn100
  • StackingBar100
  • StackingArea100
  • RangeColumn
  • Hilo
  • HiloOpenClose
  • Waterfall
  • RangeArea
  • Bubble
  • Candle
  • Polar
  • Radar
  • BoxAndWhisker

Defaults to ‘Line’

visible boolean

Specifies the visibility of series.

Defaults to true

volume string

Defines the data source field that contains the volume value in candle charts It is applicable for financial series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

width number

The stroke width for the series that is applicable only for Line type series. It also represents the stroke width of the signal lines in technical indicators.

Defaults to 1

xAxisName string

The name of the horizontal axis associated with the series. It requires axes of the chart. It is applicable for series and technical indicators

<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    columns: [{ width: '50%' },
              { width: '50%' }],
    axes: [{
               name: 'xAxis 1',
               columnIndex: 1,
    series: [{
               dataSource: data,
               xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
               xAxisName: 'xAxis 1',

Defaults to null

xName string

The DataSource field that contains the x value. It is applicable for series and technical indicators

Defaults to ’’

yAxisName string

The name of the vertical axis associated with the series. It requires axes of the chart. It is applicable for series and technical indicators

<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    rows: [{ height: '50%' },
           { height: '50%' }],
    axes: [{
               name: 'yAxis 1',
               rowIndex: 1,
    series: [{
               dataSource: data,
               xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
               yAxisName: 'yAxis 1'

Defaults to null

yName string

The DataSource field that contains the y value.

Defaults to ’’