Api legendSettings in Vue Chart component
3 Mar 20231 minute to read
Configures the legends in charts.
alignment string
Legend in chart can be aligned as follows:
- Near: Aligns the legend to the left of the chart.
- Center: Aligns the legend to the center of the chart.
- Far: Aligns the legend to the right of the chart.
Defaults to ‘Center’
background string
The background color of the legend that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
Defaults to ‘transparent’
border BorderModel
Options to customize the border of the legend.
description string
Description for legends.
Defaults to null
height string
The height of the legend in pixels.
Defaults to null
location LocationModel
Specifies the location of the legend, relative to the chart. If x is 20, legend moves by 20 pixels to the right of the chart. It requires the position
to be Custom
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
legendSettings: {
visible: true,
position: 'Custom',
location: { x: 100, y: 150 },
opacity number
Opacity of the legend.
Defaults to 1
padding number
Option to customize the padding between legend items.
Defaults to 8
position string
Position of the legend in the chart are,
- Auto: Places the legend based on area type.
- Top: Displays the legend at the top of the chart.
- Left: Displays the legend at the left of the chart.
- Bottom: Displays the legend at the bottom of the chart.
- Right: Displays the legend at the right of the chart.
- Custom: Displays the legend based on the given x and y values.
Defaults to ‘Auto’
shapeHeight number
Shape height of the legend in pixels.
Defaults to 10
shapePadding number
Padding between the legend shape and text.
Defaults to 5
shapeWidth number
Shape width of the legend in pixels.
Defaults to 10
tabIndex number
TabIndex value for the legend.
Defaults to 3
textStyle FontModel
Options to customize the legend text.
toggleVisibility boolean
If set to true, series’ visibility collapses based on the legend visibility.
Defaults to true
visible boolean
If set to true, legend will be visible.
Defaults to true
width string
The width of the legend in pixels.
Defaults to null