/ Schedule / TimeScale
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TimeScale API in Vue Schedule API component

A class that represents the configuration of options related to timescale on scheduler.




When set to true, allows the schedule to display the appointments accurately against the exact time duration. If set to false, all the appointments of a day will be displayed one below the other.

Defaults to true



Defines the time duration on which the time axis to be displayed either in 1 hour or 30 minutes interval and so on. It accepts the values in minutes.

Defaults to 60


string | function

The template option to be applied for major time slot. Here, the template accepts either the string or HTMLElement as template design and then the parsed design is displayed onto the time cells. The time details can be accessed within this template.

Defaults to null


string | function

The template option to be applied for minor time slot. Here, the template accepts either the string or HTMLElement as template design and then the parsed design is displayed onto the time cells. The time details can be accessed within this template.

Defaults to null



Decides the number of slot count to be split for the specified time interval duration.

Defaults to 2