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RibbonFileMenu API in Vue Ribbon API component

Defines the items of Ribbon.



Add items to FileMenu.

Parameter Type Description
items MenuItemModel Gets the items to be added.
target string Gets the target item to add the items.
isAfter boolean Gets the boolean value to add the items after or before the target item.
isUniqueId (optional) boolean Gets whether the target provided is uniqueId or not.

Returns void


Disable items in FileMenu.

Parameter Type Description
items string[] Gets the items to be disabled.
isUniqueId (optional) boolean Gets whether the target provided is uniqueId or not.

Returns void


Enable items in FileMenu.

Parameter Type Description
items string[] Gets the items to be enabled.
isUniqueId (optional) boolean Gets whether the target provided is uniqueId or not.

Returns void


Remove items from FileMenu.

Parameter Type Description
items string[] Gets the items to be removed.
isUniqueId (optional) boolean Gets whether the target provided is uniqueId or not.

Returns void


Update items in FileMenu.

Parameter Type Description
item MenuItem Gets the item to be updated.
id (optional) string Gets the id of the item to be updated.
isUniqueId (optional) boolean Gets whether the id provided is uniqueId or not.

Returns void