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ProgressAnimation API in Vue Progressbar API component

Animation for progress bar



Initiates annotation animation for a circular progress bar.

Parameter Type Description
circularPath Element The SVG path element representing the circular progress bar.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar object.
previousEnd (optional) number The previous end value of the progress.
previousTotal (optional) number The previous total value of the progress.

Returns void


Initiates circular animation on the specified element.

Parameter Type Description
x number The x-coordinate of the center of the circle.
y number The y-coordinate of the center of the circle.
radius number The radius of the circle.
progressEnd number The end value of the progress.
totalEnd number The total end value of the progress.
element Element The HTML element representing the circular progress.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar control.
thickness number The thickness of the circular progress.
delay number The delay before starting the animation, in milliseconds.
startValue (optional) number The starting value of the progress.
previousTotal (optional) number The previous total value of the progress.
active (optional) Element The active element to control the animation.

Returns void


Initiates circular animation for an indeterminate progress bar.

Parameter Type Description
circularProgress Element The HTML element representing the circular progress bar.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar object.
start number The starting value of the progress.
end number The ending value of the progress.
x number The x-coordinate of the center of the circle.
y number The y-coordinate of the center of the circle.
radius number The radius of the circle.
thickness number The thickness of the circular progress bar.
clipPath Element The SVG clip path element to control the animation.

Returns void


Initiates label animation for a progress bar.

Parameter Type Description
labelPath Element The SVG path element representing the label.
start number The starting value of the progress.
end number The ending value of the progress.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar control.
delay number The delay before starting the animation, in milliseconds.
textSize (optional) number The size of the text.

Returns void


Performs linear animation on the specified element.

Parameter Type Description
element Element The HTML element to animate.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar control.
delay number The delay before starting the animation, in milliseconds.
previousWidth (optional) number The previous width of the progress.
active (optional) Element The active element to control the animation.

Returns void


Initiates linear animation for an indeterminate progress bar.

Parameter Type Description
element Element The HTML element representing the progress bar.
progressWidth number The width of the progress bar.
thickness number The thickness of the progress bar.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar control.
clipPath Element The SVG clip path element to control the animation.

Returns void


Performs striped animation on the specified element.

Parameter Type Description
element Element The HTML element to animate.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar object.
value number The value indicating the progress of the animation.

Returns void