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ChartSeriesType API in Vue Pivot Table API component

Defines the pivot chart types. The available chart types are:

  • Line - Allows to display the pivot chart with line series.
  • Column - Allows to display the pivot chart with column series.
  • Area - Allows to display the pivot chart with area series.
  • Bar - Allows to display the pivot chart with bar series.
  • StackingColumn - Allows to display the pivot chart with stacked column series.
  • StackingArea - Allows to display the pivot chart with stacked area series.
  • StackingBar - Allows to display the pivot chart with stacked bar series.
  • StepLine - Allows to display the pivot chart with step line series.
  • StepArea - Allows to display the pivot chart with step area series.
  • SplineArea - Allows to display the pivot chart with spline area series.
  • Scatter - Allows to display the pivot chart with scatter series.
  • Spline - Allows to display the pivot chart with spline series.
  • StackingColumn100 - Allows to display the pivot chart with 100% stacked column series.
  • StackingBar100 - Allows to display the pivot chart with 100% stacked bar series.
  • StackingArea100 - Allows to display the pivot chart with 100% stacked area series.
  • Bubble - Allows to display the pivot chart with bubble series.
  • Pareto - Allows to display the pivot chart with pareto series.
  • Polar - Allows to display the pivot chart with polar series.
  • Radar - Allows to display the pivot chart with radar series.