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SummaryTypes API in Vue Pivotfieldlist API component

Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… The available types are,

  • Sum - Allows to display the pivot table values with sum.
  • Product - Allows to display the pivot table values with product.
  • Count - Allows to display the pivot table values with count.
  • DistinctCount - Allows to display the pivot table values with distinct count.
  • Min - Allows to display the pivot table with minimum value.
  • Max - Allows to display the pivot table with maximum value.
  • Avg - Allows to display the pivot table values with average.
  • Median - Allows to display the pivot table values with median.
  • Index - Allows to display the pivot table values with index.
  • PopulationStDev - Allows to display the pivot table values with population standard deviation.
  • SampleStDev - Allows to display the pivot table values with sample standard deviation.
  • PopulationVar - Allows to display the pivot table values with population variance.
  • SampleVar - Allows to display the pivot table values with sample variance.
  • RunningTotals - Allows to display the pivot table values with running totals.
  • DifferenceFrom - Allows to display the pivot table values with difference from the value of the base item in the base field.
  • PercentageOfDifferenceFrom - Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage difference from the value of the base item in the base field.
  • PercentageOfGrandTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of grand total of all values.
  • PercentageOfColumnTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values in each column with percentage of total values for the column.
  • PercentageOfRowTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values in each row with percentage of total values for the row.
  • PercentageOfParentTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of total of all values based on selected field.
  • PercentageOfParentColumnTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of its parent total in each column.
  • PercentageOfParentRowTotal - Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of its parent total in each row.
  • CalculatedField - Allows to display the pivot table with calculated field values. It allows user to create a new calculated field alone.

    It is applicable only for relational data source.