Interface for a class Maps
Triggers after the animation is completed in the maps.
Triggers before rendering an annotation in the maps.
Triggers before the print gets started.
Triggers when performing the click operation on the bubble element in maps.
Triggers when hovering the mouse on the bubble element in maps.
Triggers before the bubble element gets rendered on the map.
Triggers when a user clicks on an element in Maps.
Triggers before the data-label gets rendered.
Triggers when performing the double click operation on an element in maps.
Trigger before the shape, bubble or marker gets highlighted.
Triggers before the shape, bubble or marker gets selected.
Triggers before the maps layer gets rendered.
Triggers before the legend gets rendered.
Triggers before the maps gets rendered.
Triggers after the maps gets rendered.
Triggers when clicking on a marker element.
Triggers when clicking the marker cluster in maps.
Triggers when moving the mouse over the marker cluster element in maps.
Triggers before the maps marker cluster gets rendered.
When the marker has stopped dragging on the map, this event is triggered.
When the marker begins to drag on the map, this event is triggered.
Triggers when moving the mouse over the marker element in maps.
Triggers before the maps marker gets rendered.
This event is triggered when the mouse pointer moves over the map.
Triggers when a user clicks on an element in Maps.
Triggers before performing the panning operation.
This event is triggered after performing the panning action.
Triggers to notify the resize of the maps when the window is resized.
Triggers when performing the right click operation on an element in maps.
Triggers before the shape gets highlighted.
Triggers before the maps shape gets rendered.
Triggers when a shape is selected in the maps.
Triggers before the maps tooltip gets rendered.
Triggers after the maps tooltip gets rendered.
Triggers before the zoom operations such as zoom in and zoom out in the maps.
This event is triggered after the zooming operation is completed.
Enables or disables the export to image functionality in maps.
Enables or disables the export to PDF functionality in maps.
Enables or disables the print functionality in maps.
Gets or sets the options for customizing the annotations in the maps.
Gets or sets the background color of the maps container.
Gets or sets the index of the layer of maps which will be the base layer. It provides the option to select which layer to be visible in the maps.
Gets or sets the options for customizing the style properties of the maps border.
Gets or sets the center position of the maps.
Gets or sets the description of the maps for assistive technology.
Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.
Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.
Gets or sets the format to apply internationalization for the text in the maps.
Gets or sets the height in which the maps is to be rendered.
Gets or sets the options to customize the layers of the maps.
Gets or sets the options to customize the legend of the maps.
Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.
Gets or sets the options to customize the area around the map.
Gets or sets the options to customize the margin of the maps.
Gets or sets the projection with which the maps will be rendered to show the two-dimensional curved surface of a globe on a plane.
Gets or sets the tab index value for the maps.
Gets or sets the theme styles supported for maps. When the theme is set, the styles associated with the theme will be set in the maps.
Gets or sets the options to customize the title of the maps.
Gets or sets the mode in which the tooltip is to be displayed. The tooltip can be rendered on mouse move, click or double clicking on the element on the map.
Enables or disables the visibility state of the separator for grouping.
Gets or sets the width in which the maps is to be rendered.
Gets or sets the options to customize the zooming operations in maps.