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Theme API in Vue Image Editor API component

  • An enum representing the available themes in the image editor.
  • Bootstrap - The Bootstrap theme.
  • Bootstrap4 - The Bootstrap 4 theme.
  • Bootstrap5 - The Bootstrap 5 theme.
  • Bootstrap5Dark - The dark variant of the Bootstrap 5 theme.
  • BootstrapDark - The dark variant of the Bootstrap theme.
  • Fabric - The Fabric theme.
  • FabricDark - The dark variant of the Fabric theme.
  • Fluent - The Fluent UI theme.
  • Fluent2 - The Fluent 2.0 UI theme.
  • Fluent2Dark - The dark variant of the Fluent 2.0 UI theme.
  • FluentDark - The dark variant of the Fluent UI theme.
  • Highcontrast - The high contrast theme.
  • Material - The Material Design theme.
  • MaterialDark - The dark variant of the Material Design theme.
  • Tailwind - The Tailwind CSS theme.
  • TailwindDark - The dark variant of the Tailwind CSS theme.