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FabPosition API in Vue Floating Action Button API component

Defines the position of FAB (Floating Action Button) in target.

  • BottomCenter - Places the FAB on the bottom-center position of the target.
  • BottomLeft - Positions the FAB at the target’s bottom left corner.
  • BottomRight - Positions the FAB at the target’s bottom right corner.
  • MiddleCenter - Positions the FAB in the center of target.
  • MiddleLeft - Positions the FAB in the middle of target’s left side.
  • MiddleRight - Positions the FAB in the middle of target’s right side.
  • TopCenter - Places the FAB on the top-center position of the target.
  • TopLeft - Positions the FAB at the target’s top left corner.
  • TopRight - Positions the FAB at the target’s top right corner.