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Matrix3D API in Vue Chart3d API component

Represents a 3x3 or 4x4 matrix in 3D space and provides various matrix operations.



Creates a new array with zeros.

Parameter Type Description
initialSize number The size of the array.

Returns number[]


Gets the determinant of a matrix.

Parameter Type Description
matrix number[][] The matrix.

Returns number


Gets the identity matrix.

Returns number[][]


Gets the interval of a matrix.

Parameter Type Description
matrix number[][] The matrix to get the interval for.

Returns number[][]


Gets a submatrix of a matrix.

Parameter Type Description
matrix number[][] The matrix.
columnIndex number The column index.
rowIndex number The row index.

Returns number[][]


Multiplies all elements of a matrix by a factor.

Parameter Type Description
factor number The factor to multiply with.
matrix number[][] The matrix to multiply.

Returns number[][]


Multiplies two matrices.

Parameter Type Description
matrix1 number[][] The first matrix.
matrix2 number[][] The second matrix.

Returns number[][]


Multiplies a matrix by a vector and applies translation.

Parameter Type Description
matrix number[][] The matrix.
vector (optional) Chart3DVector The vector to multiply with.

Returns Object


Multiplies a matrix by a vector.

Parameter Type Description
matrix number[][] The matrix.
point Chart3DVector The vector to multiply with.

Returns Chart3DVector


Checks if a matrix is an affine matrix.

Parameter Type Description
matrixData number[][] The matrix to check.

Returns boolean


Creates a 3D matrix with the specified size.

Parameter Type Description
size number The size of the matrix.

Returns number[][]


Creates a matrix for rotation around the x-axis.

Parameter Type Description
angle number The angle of rotation.

Returns number[][]


Transforms a matrix by translation.

Parameter Type Description
x number The x-coordinate of the translation.
y number The y-coordinate of the translation.
z number The z-coordinate of the translation.

Returns number[][]


Transposes a matrix.

Parameter Type Description
matrix3D number[][] The matrix to transpose.

Returns number[][]


Creates a matrix for rotation around the y-axis.

Parameter Type Description
angle number The angle of rotation.

Returns number[][]