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DateTimeCategory3D API in Vue Chart3d API component

The DatetimeCategory module is used to render date time category axis.



Applies range padding to the specified axis based on the provided size.

Parameter Type Description
axis Chart3DAxis The axis to which range padding is applied.
size Size The size of the chart area used in the padding calculation.

Returns void


Calculates a nice interval for a date-time axis based on the given size and data range.

Parameter Type Description
axis Chart3DAxis The date-time axis for which the nice interval is calculated.
size Size The size of the chart area.
start number The start value of the data range.
end number The end value of the data range.

Returns number


Calculates the range and interval for the specified axis based on the provided size.

Parameter Type Description
size Size The size of the chart area used for range and interval calculation.
axis Chart3DAxis The axis for which the range and interval are calculated.

Returns void


Calculates and updates the visible labels for the specified axis.

Parameter Type Description
axis Chart3DAxis The axis for which visible labels are calculated.

Returns void


Retrieves the actual range for the specified axis based on the provided size.

Parameter Type Description
axis Chart3DAxis The axis for which the actual range is calculated.
size Size The size of the chart area used in the range calculation.

Returns void


To get the indexed axis label text with format for DateTimeCategory axis.

Parameter Type Description
value string value
format Function format

Returns string


Checks whether two dates have the same interval value of the specified type at the given index.

Parameter Type Description
currentDate number The current date to be compared.
previousDate number The previous date to be compared.
type IntervalType The type of interval (year, month, day, etc.).
index number The index within the interval.

Returns boolean


Updates the actual range of the 3D axis with specified minimum, maximum, and interval values.

Parameter Type Description
axis Chart3DAxis The 3D axis to update.
minimum number The minimum value for the axis.
maximum number The maximum value for the axis.
interval number The interval value for the axis.

Returns void