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Zoom API in Vue Chart API component

Zooming module handles the zooming for chart.



Adds event listeners for the chart.

Returns void


Adds touch pointer to the touch list.

Parameter Type Description
touchList ITouches[] The touch list.
e PointerEvent The pointer event.
touches TouchList The touch list.

Returns ITouches[]


Applies the zoom toolkit on the chart.

Parameter Type Description
chart Chart The chart instance.
axes AxisModel[] The axis models.

Returns void


Handles the mouse wheel event on the chart.

Parameter Type Description
e WheelEvent The wheel event.

Returns boolean


Checks if any of the axes is zoomed.

Parameter Type Description
axes AxisModel[] The axis models.

Returns boolean


Performs mouse wheel zooming on the chart.

Parameter Type Description
e WheelEvent The wheel event.
mouseX number The X-coordinate of the mouse pointer.
mouseY number The Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer.
chart Chart The chart instance.
axes AxisModel[] The axes in the chart.

Returns void


Performs pinch zooming on the chart.

Parameter Type Description
e TouchEvent The touch event.
chart Chart The chart instance.

Returns boolean


Remove event listeners for the chart.

Returns void


Renders the zooming functionality for the chart.

Parameter Type Description
e PointerEvent | TouchEvent The pointer or touch event.
chart Chart The chart instance.
isTouch boolean Indicates whether the event is a touch event.

Returns void


Cancels the zoom action.

Parameter Type Description
axes AxisModel[] The axis models.
zoomCompleteEventCollection IZoomCompleteEventArgs[] The collection of zoom complete events.

Returns void