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ChartTheme API in Vue Chart API component

Defines theme of the chart. They are:

  • Material - Render a chart with Material theme.
  • Fabric - Render a chart with Fabric theme.
  • Bootstrap - Render a chart with Bootstrap theme.
  • HighContrastLight - Render a chart with HighcontrastLight theme.
  • MaterialDark - Render a chart with MaterialDark theme.
  • FabricDark - Render a chart with FabricDark theme.
  • HighContrast - Render a chart with HighContrast theme.
  • BootstrapDark - Render a chart with BootstrapDark theme.
  • Bootstrap4 - Render a chart with Bootstrap4 theme.
  • Tailwind - Render a chart with Tailwind theme.
  • TailwindDark - Render a chart with TailwindDark theme.
  • Bootstrap5 - Render a chart with Bootstrap5 theme.
  • Bootstrap5Dark - Render a chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme.
  • Fluent - Render a chart with Fluent theme.
  • FluentDark - Render a chart with FluentDark theme.
  • Fluent2 - Render a chart with Fluent2 theme.
  • Fluent2Dark - Render a chart with Fluent2Dark theme.
  • Material3 - Render a chart with Material3 theme.
  • Material3Dark - Render a chart with Material3Dark theme.
  • Material
  • Fabric
  • Bootstrap
  • HighContrastLight
  • MaterialDark
  • FabricDark
  • HighContrast
  • BootstrapDark
  • Bootstrap4
  • Tailwind
  • TailwindDark
  • Bootstrap5
  • Bootstrap5Dark
  • Fluent
  • FluentDark
  • Fluent2
  • Fluent2Dark
  • Material3
  • Material3Dark