Data label in Vue Accumulation chart component

3 Mar 202324 minutes to read

Data label can be added to a chart series by enabling the visible option in the dataLabel property.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" enableSmartLabels='enableSmartLabels'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }
                datalabel: { visible: true, name:'text' },
                enableSmartLabels: true
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Note: To use the data label feature, inject the DataLabel into the provide.


Accumulation chart provides support for placing the data label either inside or outside the chart.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }
                datalabel: { visible: true, position:'Outside', name:'text' },
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

DataLabel rotation

Using angle property, you can rotate the data label by its given angle.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }
                datalabel: { visible: true, name:'text', angle: 90, enableRotation: true },
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Smart labels

Data labels will be arranged smartly without overlapping with each other. You can enable or disable this feature using the enableSmartLabels property.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" enableSmartLabels='enableSmartLabels'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, name: 'text', position: 'Outside', name:'text' },
                enableSmartLabels: true
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Datalabel template

Label content can be formatted by using the template option. Inside the template, you can add the placeholder text ${point.x} and ${point.y} to display corresponding data points x & y value. Using template property, you can set data label
template in chart.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" enableSmartLabels='enableSmartLabels'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, name: 'text', position: 'Inside',
                template:  "<div id='templateWrap' style='background-color:#bd18f9;border-radius: 3px; float: right;padding: 2px;line-height: 20px;text-align: center;'>"+ "<img src='sun_annotation.png' />" + "<div style='color:white; font-family:Roboto; font-style: medium; fontp-size:14px;float: right;padding: 2px;line-height: 20px;text-align: center;padding-right:6px'><span>${point.y}</span></div></div>" },
                enableSmartLabels: true
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Connector Line

Connector line will be visible when the data label is placed outside the chart. The connector line can be customized using the type, color, width, length and dashArray properties

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, name: 'text', position: 'Outside',
                    //Length of the connector line in pixels
                    length: '50px',
                    //Width of the connector line in pixels
                    width: 2,
                    //dashArray of the connector line
                    dashArray: '5,3',
                    //Color of the connector line
                    color: '#f4429e',
                    //Specifies the type of the connector line either Line or Curve
                    type: 'Curve'
                } }
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Text Mapping

The fill color and the text in the data source can be mapped to the chart using pointColorMapping in series and name in datalabel respectively.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, name: 'text' }
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
  #container {
     height: 350px;


Data label for the accumulation chart can be formatted using format property. You can use the global formatting options, such as ‘n’, ‘p’, and ‘c’.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, format: 'n2' }
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
  #container {
     height: 350px;

Value Format Resultant Value Description
1000 n1 1000.0 The number is rounded to 1 decimal place.
1000 n2 1000.00 The number is rounded to 2 decimal places.
1000 n3 1000.000 The number is rounded to 3 decimal place.
0.01 p1 1.0% The number is converted to percentage with 1 decimal place.
0.01 p2 1.00% The number is converted to percentage with 2 decimal place.
0.01 p3 1.000% The number is converted to percentage with 3 decimal place.
1000 c1 $1000.0 The currency symbol is appended to number and number is rounded to 1 decimal place.
1000 c2 $1000.00 The currency symbol is appended to number and number is rounded to 2 decimal place.


Individual text can be customized using the textRender event.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" :textRender='onTextRender'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }],
                datalabel: { visible: true, name: 'text', position: 'Outside' }
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
   methods: {
   onTextRender: function (args) {
        if (args.text.indexOf('Mar') > -1) {
            args.color = 'red';
            args.border.width = 1;
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Text wrap

When the data label text exceeds the container, the text can be wrapped by using textWrap property. End user can also wrap the data label text based on maxWidth property.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container">
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' startAngle='270' endAngle='90' innerRadius='40%' tooltipMappingName='tooltipMappingName' :dataLabel='datalabel'>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                  { x: 'Chrome', y: 100, text: 'Chrome (100M)<br>40%', tooltipMappingName: '40%' },
                    { x: 'UC Browser', y: 40, text: 'UC Browser (40M)<br>16%', tooltipMappingName: '16%' },
                    { x: 'Opera', y: 30, text: 'Opera (30M)<br>12%', tooltipMappingName: '12%' },
                    { x: 'Safari', y: 30, text: 'Safari (30M)<br>12%', tooltipMappingName: '12%' },
                    { x: 'Firefox', y: 25, text: 'Firefox (25M)<br>10%', tooltipMappingName: '10%' },
                    { x: 'Others', y: 25, text: 'Others (25M)<br>10%', tooltipMappingName: '10%' }],
                datalabel: {  visible: true, position: 'Inside' ,maxWidth:100, textWrap:'Wrap',
                    name: 'text', enableRotation:true }
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
   methods: {
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Show percentages in data labels of pie chart

You can show the percentages in data labels of pie chart using textRender event and template option.

Using textRender event

You can customize the data label of pie chart using textRender event as follows to show percentage.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" enableSmartLabels='enableSmartLabels' :textRender='onTextRender'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }
                datalabel: { visible: true },
                enableSmartLabels: true
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
  methods: {
   onTextRender: function (args) {
      args.text = args.point.percentage + "%";
 #container {
     height: 350px;

Using template

You can display the percentage values in data label of pie chart using template option.

    <div id="app">
         <ejs-accumulationchart id="container" enableSmartLabels='enableSmartLabels'>
                <e-accumulation-series :dataSource='seriesData' xName='x' yName='y' :dataLabel='datalabel'> </e-accumulation-series>
import Vue from "vue";
import { AccumulationChartPlugin, PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-charts";


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      seriesData: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' }
                datalabel: { visible: true, template: "<div id='dataLabelTemplate'>${point.percentage}%</div>" },
                enableSmartLabels: true
  provide: {
     accumulationchart: [PieSeries, AccumulationDataLabel]
 #container {
     height: 350px;