Example of group-bychild in Vue schedule Component

This demo illustrates the work progress under two different projects which are categorized as “Development” and “Testing”, since both the projects comes across the two common stages.

In this demo, there are two resource levels defined under the resources property – one with the name Projects and other with the name Categories respectively. Also, both the names are defined in the group property to allow two level hierarchical grouping. The order of grouping depends on the order of names passed onto the resources option within group. The requirement here is to categorize the sub-options that are common to both the projects and therefore to enable such grouping, it is necessary to set byGroupID option within the groupID – whereby allowing all the resources available in each child level to group under its parent resources. With this option available, we can avoid the need to provide multiple definitions of the same data to be grouped under different parent.

Also, the colors defined at the last level resources will get applied to the events of those resources by default. In case, if the colors of parent level needs to be applied to child events, then it is necessary to define the resourceColorField option within the eventSettings property with the parent level resource name value.