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20 Mar 2023 / 12 minutes to read

The Internationalization library provides support for formatting and parsing date and number objects using the official Unicode CLDR JSON data. The en-US locale is set as default culture and USD is set as default _currencyCode_ for all Syncfusion Vue UI Components.

Loading culture data

It requires the following CLDR data to be load using loadCldr function for cultures other than en-US.

File Name Path
ca-gregorian cldr/main/en/ca-gregorian.json
timeZoneNames cldr/main/en/timeZoneNames.json
numbers cldr/main/en/numbers.json
numberingSystems cldr/supplemental/numberingSystems.json
currencies cldr/main/en/currencies.json

Note: For en, dependency files are already loaded in the library.

Installing CLDR data

CLDR data is available as npm package. So, we can install it through below command to our package.

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npm install cldr-data

Binding to i18n library

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import { loadCldr } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
loadcldr(enNumberData, entimeZoneData);

Changing Global Culture and Currency Code

To set the default culture and the currency code for all Syncfusion Vue UI Components, you can use the methods setCulture for setting the default locale and setCurrencyCode for setting the currency code.

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import {setCulture, setCurrencyCode} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

Note: If global culture is not set, then en-US is set as the default locale, and USD is set as the default currency code.

Manipulating numbers

Supported format string

Based on the NumberFormatOptions number formatting and parsing operations are processed. You need to specify some or all of the following properties mentioned below table.

No Properties Description
1 format Denotes the format to be set .Possible values are
1. N - denotes numeric type.
2. C - denotes currency type.
3. P - denotes percentage type.
formatNumber( 1234344 ,{format:’N4’}).

Note: If no format is specified it takes numeric as default format type.
2 minimumFractionDigits Indicates the minimum number of fraction digits . Possible values are 0 to 20.
3 maximumFractionDigits Indicates the maximum number of fraction digits. Possible values are 0 to 20.
4 minimumSignificantDigits Indicates he minimum number of significant digits. Possible values are 1 to 21.
Note: If minimumSignificantDigits is given it is mandatory to give maximumSignificantDigits
5 maximumSignificantDigits Indicates he maximum number of significant digits. . Possible values are 1 to 21.
Note: If maximumSignificantDigits is given it is mandatory to give minimumSignificantDigits
6 useGrouping Indicates whether to enable the group separator or not . By default grouping value will be true.
7 minimumIntegerDigits Indicates the minimum number of the integer digits to be placed in the value. Possible values are 1 to 21.
8 currency Indicates the currency code which needs to considered for the currency formatting.

Note: The minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits and maximumFractionDigits are categorized as group one, minimumSignificantDigits and maximumSignificantDigits are categorized as group two. If group two properties are defined, then the group one properties will be ignored.

Custom number formatting and parsing

Custom number formatting and parsing can also be achieved by directly specifying the pattern in the format property of NumberFormatOptions. One or more of the custom format specifiers listed in the table below can be used to create custom number format.

Specifier Description Input Format Output
0 Replaces the zero with the corresponding digit if one is present. Otherwise, zero appears in the result string. instance.formatNumber(123,{format: ‘0000’ }) ‘0123’
# Replaces the ”#” symbol with the corresponding digit if one is present; otherwise, no digit appears in the result string. instance.formatNumber(1234,{format: ’####’ }) ‘1234’
. Denotes the number of digits allowed after the decimal points if it’s not specified then no need to specify decimal point values. instance.formatNumber(546321,{format: ‘###0.##0#’ }) ‘546321.000’
% Percent specifier denotes the percentage type format. instance.formatNumber(1,{format: ‘0000 %’ }) ‘0100 %’
$ Denotes the currency type format based on the global currency code specified. instance.formatNumber(13,{format: ’$ ###.00’ }); ‘$ 13.00’
; Denotes separate formats for positive, negative and zero values. instance.formatNumber(-120,{format: ’###.##;(###.00);-0’}); ‘(120.00)’
‘String’ (single Quotes) Denotes the characters enclosed within single Quote(’) to be replaced in the resultant string. instance.formatNumber(-123.44,{format: ”####.## ’@’”}) ‘123.44 @’

Note: If a custom format pattern is specified, other NumberFormatOptions properties will not be considered.

Number Parsing


The getNumberParser method, which will return a function that parses a given string based on the NumberFormatOptions specified.

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<div class="result"></div>

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var intl  = new Internationalization();
var nParser  =  intl.getNumberParser({ format:'P2' , useGrouping: false});
var val  = nParser('123567.45%');
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = val + '';


The parseNumber method, which takes two arguments, the string value and NumberFormatOptions and returns the numeric value.

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  <div class="result"></div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
  var intl  = new Internationalization();
  var val  = intl.parseNumber('1. ,234,545.650', { format: 'C3', currency: 'USD', minimumIntegerDigits: 8 });
  document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = val + '';

Number formatting


The getNumberFormat method will return a function that formats a given number based on the NumberFormatOptions specified.

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  <div class="result"></div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var  intl = new Internationalization();
var nFormatter = intl.getNumberFormat({ skeleton: 'C3', currency: 'USD',minimumIntegerDigits:8});
var formattedValue  = nFormatter(1234545.65)
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = formattedValue;


The formatNumber method, which takes two arguments, a numeric value and NumberFormatOptions and returns the formatted string.

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  <div class="result"> </div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
  mounted: function(){
var  intl = new Internationalization();
var formattedString  = intl.formatNumber(12345.65, { format:'C5' , useGrouping: false,
minimumSignificantDigits:1, maximumSignificantDigits:3 });
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = formattedString;

Manipulating DateTime

Supported format string

Date formatting and parsing operations are performed based on the DateFormatOptions. You need to specify  some or all of the following properties mentioned in the table below.

Options Descriptions
Type It specifies the type of format to be used supported types .
1. date
2. dateTime
3. time
Based on the type specified the supported skeletons are given below.
1. short
2. medium,
3. long
4. full
E.g: formatDate(new Date(), {type: ’date’, skeleton:medium})
Note: If no type is specified then date type is set by default.
skeleton Specifies the format in which the dateTime format will process

Date type skeletons

skeleton Option input Format Output
short {type: ’date’, skeleton:’short’}) 11/4/16
medium {type: ’date’, skeleton:’medium’}) Nov 4, 2016
long {type: ’date’, skeleton:’long’} November 4, 2016
full {type: ’date’, skeleton:full}) Friday, November 4, 2016

Time type skeletons

skeleton Option input Format Output
short {type: ’time’, skeleton:’short’} 1:03 PM
medium {type: ’time’, skeleton:’medium’} 1:03:04 PM
Long {type: ’time’, skeleton:’long’}) 1:03:04 PM GMT+5
full {type: ’time’, skeleton:’full’}) 1:03:04 PM GMT+05:30

DateTime type skeletons

Skeleton Option input Format Output
short {type: ’dateTime’, skeleton:’short’} 11/4/16, 1:03 PM
medium {type: ’dateTime, skeleton:’medium’} Nov 4, 2016, 1:03:04 PM
Long {type: ’dateTime’, skeleton:’long’}) November 4, 2016 at 1:03:04 PM GMT+5
full {type: ’dateTime’, skeleton:’full’}) Friday, November 4, 2016 at 1:03:04 PM GMT+05:30

Additional skeletons

Apart from the standard date type formats, additional formats are supported by using the additional skeletons given in the below table.

skeleton Option input Format Output
d {skeleton:’d’} 7
E {skeleton:’E’} Mon
Ed {skeleton:’Ed’} 7 Mon
Ehm {skeleton:’Ehm’}) Mon 12:43 AM
EHm {skeleton:’EHm;}); Mon 12:43
Ehms {skeleton:’Ehms’ } Mon 2:45:23 PM
EHms {skeleton:’EHms’}) Mon 12:45:45
Gy {skeleton:’Gy’ } 2016 AD
GyMMM {skeleton:’GyMMM’} : Nov 2016 AD
GyMMMd {skeleton:’GyMMMd’} Nov 7, 2016 AD
GyMMMEd {skeleton:’GyMMMEd’} Mon, Nov 7, 2016 AD
h {skeleton:’h’} 12 PM
H {skeleton:’H’} 12
hm {skeleton:’hm’} 12:59 PM
Hm {skeleton:’Hm’} 12:59
hms {skeleton:’hms’} 12:59:13 PM
Hms {skeleton:’Hms’} 12:59:13
M {skeleton:’M’} 11
Md {skeleton:’Md’} 11/7
MEd {skeleton:’hms’} Mon, 11/7
MMM {skeleton:’MMM’} Nov
MMMEd {skeleton:’MMMEd’} Mon, Nov 7
MMMd {skeleton:’MMMEd’} Nov 7
ms {skeleton:’ms’} 59:13
y {skeleton:’y’ } 2016
yM {skeleton:’yM’ } 11/2016
yMd {skeleton:’yMd’ } 11/7/2016
yMEd {skeleton:’yMEd’ } Mon, 11/7/2016
yMMM {skeleton:’yMMM’ } Nov 2016
yMMMd {skeleton:’yMMMd’} Nov 7, 2016
yMMMEd {skeleton:’yMMMEd’} Mon, Nov 7, 2016
yMMM {skeleton:’yMMM’} Nov 2016

Note: Culture specific format skeletons are also supported.

Custom formats

To use the custom date and time formats, we need to specify the date/time pattern directly in the format property. A custom format string must contain one or more of the following standard date/time symbols.

Symbols Description
G Denotes the era in the date
y Denotes the year.
M / L Denotes month.
E / c Denotes the day of week.
d Denotes the day of month.
h / H Denotes the hour. h for 12 hour and H for 24 hours format.
m Denotes minutes.
s Denotes seconds.
a Denotes the am/pm designator it will only be displayed if hour is specified in the h format.
z Denotes the time zone.
’ (single quotes) To display words in the formatted date you can specify the words with in the single quotes

Custom format example

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
var intl  = new Internationalization();
var formattedString =  intl.formatDate(new Date('1/12/2014 10:20:33'), { format: '\'year:\'y' \'month:\' MM' });
//Output: "year:2014 month:01"

Note: If the format property is given as an option, other properties are not considered.

Date parsing


The getDateParser method will return a function that parses a given string based on the DateFormatOptions specified.

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  <div class="result"> </div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import {Internationalization} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var intl  = new Internationalization();
var dParser  = intl.getDateParser({skeleton: 'full', type: 'dateTime'});
var val = dParser('Friday, November 4, 2016 at 1:03:04 PM GMT+05:30');
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = val.toString();


The date object is returned by the parseDate method, which takes two arguments, a string value and DateFormatOptions.

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  <div class="result"></div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import {Internationalization} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var intl = new Internationalization();
var val =  intl.parseDate('11/2016',{skeleton: 'yM'});
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = val.toString();


Date Formatting


The getDateFormat method, which will return a function that formats a given date object based on the DateFormatOptions specified.

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  <div class="result"></div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var intl = new Internationalization();
var dFormatter = intl.getDateFormat({ skeleton: 'full', type: 'dateTime' });
var formattedString = dFormatter(new Date('1/12/2014 10:20:33'));
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = formattedString;


The formatDate method, which takes two arguments, the date object and DateFormatOptions, returns the formatted string.

Copied to clipboard
  <div class="result"></div>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
export default {
var intl  = new Internationalization();
var date  = new Date();
var formattedString  =  intl.formatDate(new Date('1/12/2014 10:20:33'), { skeleton: 'GyMMM' });
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = formattedString;

