This article provides a step-by-step guide to configuring the Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) library and building a simple JavaScript web application using the GitHub quickstart seed repository.
This application is integrated with the
configuration and uses the latest version of the webpack-cli. It requires nodev14.15.0
or higher. For more information about webpack and its features, refer to the webpack documentation.
To get started with application, ensure the following software to be installed in the machine.
Open the command prompt from the required directory, and run the following command to clone the Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) quickstart project from GitHub.
git clone ej2-quickstart
After cloning the application in the ej2-quickstart
folder, run the following command line to navigate to the ej2-quickstart
cd ej2-quickstart
Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) packages are available on the public registry. You can install all Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) controls in a single @syncfusion/ej2 package or individual packages for each control.
The quickstart application is preconfigured with the dependent @syncfusion/ej2 package in the ~/package.json
file. Use the following command to install the dependent npm packages from the command prompt.
npm install
To learn more about the individual packages and different ways to install them, refer here.
Syncfusion JavaScript controls come with built-in themes, which are available in the installed packages. It’s easy to adapt the Syncfusion JavaScript controls to match the style of your application by referring to one of the built-in themes.
The quickstart application is preconfigured to use the Material
theme in the ~/src/styles/styles.css
file, as shown below:
@import "../../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2/material.css";
You can check out the themes section to know more about built-in themes and CSS reference for individual controls.
Open the application in Visual Studio Code and add the Syncfusion JavaScript UI controls.
In this article, the Grid control is used as an example. Add the following Grid element to the ~/src/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Essential JS 2</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<!--HTML grid element, which is going to render as Essential JS 2 Grid-->
<div id="Grid"></div>
To render the Grid control, add the following JavaScript code to the ~/src/app/app.ts
import { Grid } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
// Grid data
const data: Object[] = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
// initialize grid control
let grid: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: data,
columns: [
{ field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 120, type: 'number' },
{ field: 'CustomerID', width: 140, headerText: 'Customer ID', type: 'string' },
{ field: 'EmployeeID', width: 140, headerText: 'Employee ID', textAlign: 'Right', type: 'string' },
{ field: 'Freight', headerText: 'Freight', textAlign: 'Right', width: 120, format: 'C' },
{ field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'Order Date', width: 140, format: 'yMd' }
// render initialized grid
Now, run the application in the browser using the following command.
npm start
import { Grid } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
// Grid data
const data: Object[] = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
// initialize grid control
let grid: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: data,
columns: [
{ field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 120, type: 'number' },
{ field: 'CustomerID', width: 140, headerText: 'Customer ID', type: 'string' },
{ field: 'Freight', headerText: 'Freight', textAlign: 'Right', width: 120, format: 'C' },
{ field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'Order Date', width: 140, format: 'yMd' }
// render initialized grid
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
<div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
<div id='container' style="margin: 50px;">
<!--element which is going to render-->
<div id="Grid"></div>
To learn more about the functionality of the Grid control, refer to the documentation.