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Syncfusion Angular supported versions

21 Dec 2022 / 2 minutes to read

Angular version compatibility

The following table represents the supported Angular versions by different Syncfusion Angular UI components releases.

Version Syncfusion Angular components version
Angular v15 20.3.56 and above
Angular v14 20.2.36 and above
Angular v13 19.4.38 and above
Angular v12 19.3.43 and above
Angular v11 18.4.31 and above
Angular v10 18.2.55 and above
Angular v9 17.4.51 and above
Angular v8 17.1.50 and above
Angular v7 16.3.32 and above

By default, Syncfusion Angular packages (>=20.2.36) support the Angular Ivy distribution. These packages are compatible with Angular versions 12 and above. After this release (>=20.2.36), you need to add the suffix -ngcc along with the package version (@syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids:"20.2.38-ngcc") in the package.json file. For more information on Angular package installation, see Angular package installation.

Syncfusion version information

In a year, Syncfusion releases new volumes once every three months. Syncfusion Angular components follows sequence-based identifiers to process software releases based on the YearlyVersion.Major.Revision format to track all the release changes. It helps developers to keep track of the changes in every release.

For example, if the release package version is 20.2.36, the version number indicates the details as follows,

  • 20 denotes the yearly release version, which changes every year.
  • 2 denotes the major release version. Once every three months, Syncfusion releases a new volume. Here, 2 represents the second release of the year.
  • 36 denotes the revision number also known as the patch number, which increases for each service pack release and weekly patch release.

See also