Stock events in React Stock chart component
20 Jan 202324 minutes to read
Stock Events visualizes stock events in stock chart. ‘SplineSeries’ is used to represent selected data value. You can customize the specific data value using stockEvents
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { StockChartComponent, StockChartSeriesCollectionDirective, StockChartSeriesDirective, Inject, DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines, Crosshair } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator, Export } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { aapl } from 'datasource.ts';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis = {
valueType: 'DateTime', majorGridLines: { color: 'transparent' },
crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
const primaryyAxis = {
lineStyle: { color: 'transparent' },
majorTickLines: { color: 'transparent' },
crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
return <StockChartComponent id='stockcharts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} indicatorType={[]} seriesType={[]} trendlineType={[]} title='AAPL Stock Price' height='350' stockEvents={[
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2012 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag' },
date: new Date(2012, 3, 20), text: 'Open', description: 'Markets opened', textStyle: { color: 'white' },
background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2012, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2012, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2012, 7, 30), text: 'G', description: 'Google stocks bought',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2012, 10, 1), text: 'Y', description: 'Yahoo stocks sold', type: 'Square',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#841391', border: { color: '#841391' }
date: new Date(2012, 12, 0), text: 'Y2', description: 'Year 2013', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2013, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2013 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 3, 20), text: 'Q2', description: 'Surge in Stocks', type: 'ArrowUp',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date(2013, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 12, 0), text: 'Y3', description: 'Year 2014', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2014, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2014 Quarter2 starts', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date(2014, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2014 Quarter3 starts',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2014, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2014 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2014, 12, 0), text: 'Y4', description: 'Year 2015', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2014, 2, 2), text: 'End', description: 'Markets closed', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date('2015-01-07'), text: 'A', description: 'This is event description',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2015, 1, 2), text: 'Q1', description: 'Add longer text',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#dd3c9f', border: { color: '#dd3c9f' }, type: 'Text'
date: new Date(2015, 2, 12), text: 'Close', description: 'Markets closed',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
<Inject services={[DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, Crosshair, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines,
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, Export,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator]}/>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={aapl} type='Spline' xName='x' width={2} yName='high' name='google' close='high'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {
StockChartComponent, StockChartSeriesCollectionDirective, StockChartSeriesDirective, Inject,
DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries,
RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines, ChartTheme, IStockChartEventArgs, Crosshair
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import {
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator, Export
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { aapl } from 'datasource.ts';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = {
valueType: 'DateTime', majorGridLines: { color: 'transparent' },
crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = {
lineStyle: { color: 'transparent' },
majorTickLines: { color: 'transparent' },
crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
return <StockChartComponent id='stockcharts'
title='AAPL Stock Price'
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2012 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag' },
date: new Date(2012, 3, 20), text: 'Open', description: 'Markets opened', textStyle: { color: 'white' },
background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2012, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2012, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2012, 7, 30), text: 'G', description: 'Google stocks bought',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2012, 10, 1), text: 'Y', description: 'Yahoo stocks sold', type: 'Square',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#841391', border: { color: '#841391' }
date: new Date(2012, 12, 0), text: 'Y2', description: 'Year 2013', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2013, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2013 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 3, 20), text: 'Q2', description: 'Surge in Stocks', type: 'ArrowUp',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date(2013, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2013, 12, 0), text: 'Y3', description: 'Year 2014', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2014, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2014 Quarter2 starts', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date(2014, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2014 Quarter3 starts',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2014, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2014 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }
date: new Date(2014, 12, 0), text: 'Y4', description: 'Year 2015', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }
date: new Date(2014, 2, 2), text: 'End', description: 'Markets closed', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }
date: new Date('2015-01-07'), text: 'A', description: 'This is event description',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
date: new Date(2015, 1, 2), text: 'Q1', description: 'Add longer text',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#dd3c9f', border: { color: '#dd3c9f' }, type: 'Text'
date: new Date(2015, 2, 12), text: 'Close', description: 'Markets closed',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }
<Inject services={[DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, Crosshair, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines,
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, Export,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator]} />
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={aapl} type='Spline' xName='x' width={2} yName='high' name='google' close='high'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
Stock Events for individual series
By default, stock events will be showed for all series. Now, you can set the stock events for particular series using seriesIndexes
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { StockChartComponent, StockChartSeriesCollectionDirective, StockChartSeriesDirective, Inject, DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines, Crosshair } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator, Export } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { chartData } from 'datasource.ts';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis = {
valueType: 'DateTime', majorGridLines: { color: 'transparent' }, crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
const primaryyAxis = {
lineStyle: { color: 'transparent' }, majorTickLines: { color: 'transparent' }, crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
return <StockChartComponent id='stockcharts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} indicatorType={[]} seriesType={[]} trendlineType={[]} title='AAPL Stock Price' height='350' stockEvents={[
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2012 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag', background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 20), text: 'Open', description: 'Markets opened', textStyle: { color: 'white' },
background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 7, 30), text: 'G', description: 'Google stocks bought',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 10, 1), text: 'Y', description: 'Yahoo stocks sold', type: 'Square',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#841391', border: { color: '#841391' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 12, 0), text: 'Y2', description: 'Year 2013', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2013 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 3, 20), text: 'Q2', description: 'Surge in Stocks', type: 'ArrowUp',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 12, 0), text: 'Y3', description: 'Year 2014', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2014 Quarter2 starts', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2014 Quarter3 starts',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2014 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 12, 0), text: 'Y4', description: 'Year 2015', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 2, 2), text: 'End', description: 'Markets closed', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date('2015-01-07'), text: 'A', description: 'This is event description',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2015, 1, 2), text: 'Q1', description: 'Add longer text',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#dd3c9f', border: { color: '#dd3c9f' }, type: 'Text', seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2015, 2, 12), text: 'Close', description: 'Markets closed',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] }
<Inject services={[DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, Crosshair, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines,
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, Export,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator]}/>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='high'>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='low'>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='open'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {
StockChartComponent, StockChartSeriesCollectionDirective, StockChartSeriesDirective, Inject,
DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries,
RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines, ChartTheme, IStockChartEventArgs, Crosshair
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import {
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator, Export
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { chartData } from 'datasource.ts';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = {
valueType: 'DateTime', majorGridLines: { color: 'transparent' }, crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = {
lineStyle: { color: 'transparent' }, majorTickLines: { color: 'transparent' }, crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }
return <StockChartComponent id='stockcharts'
title='AAPL Stock Price'
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2012 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag', background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 3, 20), text: 'Open', description: 'Markets opened', textStyle: { color: 'white' },
background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 7, 30), text: 'G', description: 'Google stocks bought',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 10, 1), text: 'Y', description: 'Yahoo stocks sold', type: 'Square',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#841391', border: { color: '#841391' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2012, 12, 0), text: 'Y2', description: 'Year 2013', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2013 Quarter2 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [0] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 3, 20), text: 'Q2', description: 'Surge in Stocks', type: 'ArrowUp',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2013 Quarter3 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2013 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2013, 12, 0), text: 'Y3', description: 'Year 2014', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 3, 1), text: 'Q2', description: '2014 Quarter2 starts', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [1] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 6, 1), text: 'Q3', description: '2014 Quarter3 starts',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 9, 1), text: 'Q4', description: '2014 Quarter4 starts', type: 'Flag',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6c6d6d', border: { color: '#6c6d6d' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 12, 0), text: 'Y4', description: 'Year 2015', type: 'Pin', showOnSeries: false,
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#6322e0', border: { color: '#6322e0' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2014, 2, 2), text: 'End', description: 'Markets closed', type: 'ArrowDown',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#3ab0f9', border: { color: '#3ab0f9' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date('2015-01-07'), text: 'A', description: 'This is event description',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2015, 1, 2), text: 'Q1', description: 'Add longer text',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#dd3c9f', border: { color: '#dd3c9f' }, type: 'Text', seriesIndexes: [2] },
{ date: new Date(2015, 2, 12), text: 'Close', description: 'Markets closed',
textStyle: { color: 'white' }, background: '#f48a21', border: { color: '#f48a21' }, seriesIndexes: [2] }
<Inject services={[DateTime, StripLine, LineSeries, Crosshair, SplineSeries, CandleSeries, HiloOpenCloseSeries, HiloSeries, RangeAreaSeries, Trendlines,
EmaIndicator, RsiIndicator, BollingerBands, TmaIndicator, MomentumIndicator, SmaIndicator, AtrIndicator, Export,
AccumulationDistributionIndicator, MacdIndicator, StochasticIndicator]} />
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='high'>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='low'>
<StockChartSeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} type='Spline' xName='date' width={2} yName='open'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));