Filter in React Spreadsheet component

25 Jul 202424 minutes to read

Filtering helps you to view specific rows in the spreadsheet by hiding the other rows. You can use the allowFiltering property to enable or disable filtering functionality.

  • The default value for allowFiltering property is true.

By default, the Filter module is injected internally into Spreadsheet to perform filtering.

Apply filter on UI

In the active sheet, select a range of cells to filter by value of the cell. The filtering can be done by any of the following ways:

  • Select the filter item in the Ribbon toolbar.
  • Right-click the sheet, select the filter item in the context menu.
  • Use the applyFilter() method programmatically.
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + L keyboard shortcut to apply the filter.
  • Use Alt + Up/Down keyboard shortcut to open the filter dialog.

Filter by criteria

The applyFilter() method will apply the filter UI, based on the predicate and range given in the arguments.

  • The beforeFilter event will be triggered before filtering the specified range.
  • The filterComplete event will be triggered after the filter action is completed successfully.

The following code example shows filter functionality in the Spreadsheet control.

import * as React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { SpreadsheetComponent, SheetsDirective, SheetDirective, RangesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { RangeDirective, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { tradeData } from './datasource';

function App() {
    const spreadsheetRef = React.useRef(null);
    const onDataBound = () => {
        let spreadsheet = spreadsheetRef.current;
        if (spreadsheet) {
            if (spreadsheet.activeSheetIndex === 0) {
                let departments = ['Sweden', 'Canada', 'UK'];
                let predicateList = []
                departments.forEach((department) => { predicateList.push({ field: 'D', predicate: 'or', operator: 'equal', value: department }); })

    return (
        <SpreadsheetComponent ref={spreadsheetRef} dataBound={onDataBound}>
                        <RangeDirective dataSource={tradeData}></RangeDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={90}></ColumnDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
export default App;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<App />);
import * as React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { SpreadsheetComponent, SheetsDirective, SheetDirective, RangesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { RangeDirective, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { PredicateModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { tradeData } from './datasource';

function App() {
    const spreadsheetRef = React.useRef<SpreadsheetComponent>(null);
    const onDataBound = (): void => {
        let spreadsheet = spreadsheetRef.current;
        if (spreadsheet) {
            if (spreadsheet.activeSheetIndex === 0) {
                let departments: string[] = ['Sweden', 'Canada', 'UK'];
                let predicateList: PredicateModel[] = []
                departments.forEach((department: string) => { predicateList.push({ field: 'D', predicate: 'or', operator: 'equal', value: department }); })

    return (
        <SpreadsheetComponent ref={spreadsheetRef} dataBound={onDataBound}>
                        <RangeDirective dataSource={tradeData}></RangeDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={90}></ColumnDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                        <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
export default App;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!);
root.render(<App />);
 * Default data source
export let defaultData = [
    { 'Item Name': 'Casual Shoes', Date: '02/14/2014', Time: '11:34:32 AM', Quantity: 10, Price: 20, Amount: 200, Discount: 1, Profit: 10 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sports Shoes', Date: '06/11/2014', Time: '05:56:32 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 30, Amount: 600, Discount: 5, Profit: 50 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Formal Shoes', Date: '07/27/2014', Time: '03:32:44 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 15, Amount: 300, Discount: 7, Profit: 27 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sandals & Floaters', Date: '11/21/2014', Time: '06:23:54 AM', Quantity: 15, Price: 20, Amount: 300, Discount: 11, Profit: 67 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Flip- Flops & Slippers', Date: '06/23/2014', Time: '12:43:59 AM', Quantity: 30, Price: 10, Amount: 300, Discount: 10, Profit: 70 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sneakers', Date: '07/22/2014', Time: '10:55:53 AM', Quantity: 40, Price: 20, Amount: 800, Discount: 13, Profit: 66 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Running Shoes', Date: '02/04/2014', Time: '03:44:34 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 10, Amount: 200, Discount: 3, Profit: 14 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Loafers', Date: '11/30/2014', Time: '03:12:52 AM', Quantity: 31, Price: 10, Amount: 310, Discount: 6, Profit: 29 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Cricket Shoes', Date: '07/09/2014', Time: '11:32:14 AM', Quantity: 41, Price: 30, Amount: 1210, Discount: 12, Profit: 166 },
    { 'Item Name': 'T-Shirts', Date: '10/31/2014', Time: '12:01:44 AM', Quantity: 50, Price: 10, Amount: 500, Discount: 9, Profit: 55 },
 * Grid datasource
export function getTradeData(dataCount) {
    let employees = [
        'Michael', 'Kathryn', 'Tamer', 'Martin', 'Davolio', 'Nancy', 'Fuller', 'Leverling', 'Peacock',
        'Margaret', 'Buchanan', 'Janet', 'Andrew', 'Callahan', 'Laura', 'Dodsworth', 'Anne',
        'Bergs', 'Vinet', 'Anton', 'Fleet', 'Zachery', 'Van', 'King', 'Jack', 'Rose'
    let designation = ['Manager', 'CFO', 'Designer', 'Developer', 'Program Directory', 'System Analyst', 'Project Lead'];
    let mail = ['', '', '', '', ''];
    let location = ['UK', 'USA', 'Sweden', 'France', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Austria', 'Germany', 'Mexico'];
    let status = ['Active', 'Inactive'];
    let trustworthiness = ['Perfect', 'Sufficient', 'Insufficient'];
    let tradeData = [];
    let address = ['59 rue de lAbbaye', 'Luisenstr. 48', 'Rua do Paço, 67', '2, rue du Commerce', 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
        'Rua do mailPaço, 67', 'Hauptstr. 31', 'Starenweg 5', 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
        'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', 'Kirchgasse 6',
        'Sierras de Granada 9993', 'Mehrheimerstr. 369', 'Rua da Panificadora, 12', '2817 Milton Dr.', 'Kirchgasse 6',
        'Åkergatan 24', '24, place Kléber', 'Torikatu 38', 'Berliner Platz 43', '5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes', '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
        'Torikatu 38', 'P.O. Box 555', '2817 Milton Dr.', 'Taucherstraße 10', '59 rue de lAbbaye', 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
        'Avda. Azteca 123', 'Heerstr. 22', 'Berguvsvägen  8', 'Magazinweg 7', 'Berguvsvägen  8', 'Gran Vía, 1', 'Gran Vía, 1',
        'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', 'Magazinweg 7', 'Taucherstraße 10', 'Taucherstraße 10',
        'Av. Copacabana, 267', 'Strada Provinciale 124', 'Fauntleroy Circus', 'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23',
        'Rua da Panificadora, 12', 'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', 'Avda. Azteca 123', '2817 Milton Dr.'];
    let employeeimg = ['usermale', 'userfemale'];
    if (typeof dataCount === 'string') {
        dataCount = parseInt(dataCount, 10);
    for (let i = 1; i <= dataCount; i++) {
        let code = 10000;
            'EmployeeID': code + i,
            'Employees': employees[Math.floor(Math.random() * employees.length)] + ' ' + employees[Math.floor(Math.random() * employees.length)],
            'Designation': designation[Math.floor(Math.random() * designation.length)],
            'Location': location[Math.floor(Math.random() * location.length)],
            'Status': status[Math.floor(Math.random() * status.length)],
            'Trustworthiness': trustworthiness[Math.floor(Math.random() * trustworthiness.length)],
            'Rating': Math.floor(Math.random() * 5),
            'Software': Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
            'EmployeeImg': employeeimg[Math.floor(Math.random() * employeeimg.length)],
            'CurrentSalary': Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)),
            'Address': address[Math.floor(Math.random() * address.length)],
        let employee = 'Employees';
        let emp = tradeData[i - 1][employee];
        let sName = emp.substr(0, emp.indexOf(' ')).toLowerCase();
        let empmail = 'Mail';
        tradeData[i - 1][empmail] = sName + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 10) + '@' + mail[Math.floor(Math.random() * mail.length)];
    return tradeData;
export let tradeData = [
        "EmployeeID": 10001,
        "Employees": "Laura Nancy",
        "Designation": "Designer",
        "Location": "France",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 69,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 84194,
        "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10002,
        "Employees": "Zachery Van",
        "Designation": "CFO",
        "Location": "Canada",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 99,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 55349,
        "Address": "5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10003,
        "Employees": "Rose Fuller",
        "Designation": "CFO",
        "Location": "France",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 1,
        "Software": 1,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 16477,
        "Address": "2817 Milton Dr.",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10004,
        "Employees": "Jack Bergs",
        "Designation": "Manager",
        "Location": "Mexico",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 36,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 49040,
        "Address": "2, rue du Commerce",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10005,
        "Employees": "Vinet Bergs",
        "Designation": "Program Directory",
        "Location": "UK",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 1,
        "Software": 39,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 5495,
        "Address": "Rua da Panificadora, 12",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10006,
        "Employees": "Buchanan Van",
        "Designation": "Designer",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 4,
        "Software": 78,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 42182,
        "Address": "24, place Kléber",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10007,
        "Employees": "Dodsworth Nancy",
        "Designation": "Project Lead",
        "Location": "USA",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 0,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 35776,
        "Address": "Rua do Paço, 67",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10008,
        "Employees": "Laura Jack",
        "Designation": "Developer",
        "Location": "Austria",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 89,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 25108,
        "Address": "Rua da Panificadora, 12",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10009,
        "Employees": "Anne Fuller",
        "Designation": "Program Directory",
        "Location": "Mexico",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 19,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 32568,
        "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10010,
        "Employees": "Buchanan Andrew",
        "Designation": "Designer",
        "Location": "Austria",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 1,
        "Software": 62,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 12320,
        "Address": "P.O. Box 555",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10011,
        "Employees": "Andrew Janet",
        "Designation": "System Analyst",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 8,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 20890,
        "Address": "Starenweg 5",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10012,
        "Employees": "Margaret Tamer",
        "Designation": "System Analyst",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 4,
        "Software": 7,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 22337,
        "Address": "Magazinweg 7",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10013,
        "Employees": "Tamer Fuller",
        "Designation": "CFO",
        "Location": "Canada",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 78,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 89181,
        "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10014,
        "Employees": "Tamer Anne",
        "Designation": "CFO",
        "Location": "Sweden",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 18,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 20998,
        "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10015,
        "Employees": "Anton Davolio",
        "Designation": "Project Lead",
        "Location": "France",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 4,
        "Software": 8,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 48232,
        "Address": "Luisenstr. 48",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10016,
        "Employees": "Buchanan Buchanan",
        "Designation": "System Analyst",
        "Location": "Austria",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 19,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 43041,
        "Address": "Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10017,
        "Employees": "King Buchanan",
        "Designation": "Program Directory",
        "Location": "Sweden",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 44,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 25259,
        "Address": "Magazinweg 7",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10018,
        "Employees": "Rose Michael",
        "Designation": "Project Lead",
        "Location": "Canada",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 4,
        "Software": 31,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 91156,
        "Address": "Fauntleroy Circus",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10019,
        "Employees": "King Bergs",
        "Designation": "Developer",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 2,
        "Software": 29,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 28826,
        "Address": "2817 Milton Dr.",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10020,
        "Employees": "Davolio Fuller",
        "Designation": "Designer",
        "Location": "Canada",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 35,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 71035,
        "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10021,
        "Employees": "Rose Rose",
        "Designation": "CFO",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 38,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 68123,
        "Address": "Rua do Mercado, 12",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10022,
        "Employees": "Andrew Michael",
        "Designation": "Program Directory",
        "Location": "UK",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 2,
        "Software": 61,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 75470,
        "Address": "2, rue du Commerce",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10023,
        "Employees": "Davolio Kathryn",
        "Designation": "Manager",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 25,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 25234,
        "Address": "Hauptstr. 31",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10024,
        "Employees": "Anne Fleet",
        "Designation": "System Analyst",
        "Location": "UK",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 0,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 8341,
        "Address": "59 rue de lAbbaye",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10025,
        "Employees": "Margaret Andrew",
        "Designation": "System Analyst",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 51,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 84975,
        "Address": "P.O. Box 555",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10026,
        "Employees": "Kathryn Laura",
        "Designation": "Project Lead",
        "Location": "Austria",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
        "Rating": 3,
        "Software": 48,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 97282,
        "Address": "Avda. Azteca 123",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10027,
        "Employees": "Michael Michael",
        "Designation": "Developer",
        "Location": "UK",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 4,
        "Software": 16,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 4184,
        "Address": "Rua do Paço, 67",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10028,
        "Employees": "Leverling Vinet",
        "Designation": "Project Lead",
        "Location": "Germany",
        "Status": "Inactive",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 57,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 38370,
        "Address": "59 rue de lAbbaye",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10029,
        "Employees": "Rose Jack",
        "Designation": "Developer",
        "Location": "UK",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 46,
        "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
        "CurrentSalary": 84790,
        "Address": "Rua do Mercado, 12",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
        "EmployeeID": 10030,
        "Employees": "Vinet Van",
        "Designation": "Developer",
        "Location": "USA",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
        "Rating": 0,
        "Software": 40,
        "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
        "CurrentSalary": 71005,
        "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
        "Mail": "[email protected]"
 * Default data source
export let defaultData: Object[] = [
    { 'Item Name': 'Casual Shoes', Date: '02/14/2014', Time: '11:34:32 AM', Quantity: 10, Price: 20, Amount: 200, Discount: 1, Profit: 10 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sports Shoes', Date: '06/11/2014', Time: '05:56:32 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 30, Amount: 600, Discount: 5, Profit: 50 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Formal Shoes', Date: '07/27/2014', Time: '03:32:44 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 15, Amount: 300, Discount: 7, Profit: 27 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sandals & Floaters', Date: '11/21/2014', Time: '06:23:54 AM', Quantity: 15, Price: 20, Amount: 300, Discount: 11, Profit: 67 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Flip- Flops & Slippers', Date: '06/23/2014', Time: '12:43:59 AM', Quantity: 30, Price: 10, Amount: 300, Discount: 10, Profit: 70 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Sneakers', Date: '07/22/2014', Time: '10:55:53 AM', Quantity: 40, Price: 20, Amount: 800, Discount: 13, Profit: 66 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Running Shoes', Date: '02/04/2014', Time: '03:44:34 AM', Quantity: 20, Price: 10, Amount: 200, Discount: 3, Profit: 14 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Loafers', Date: '11/30/2014', Time: '03:12:52 AM', Quantity: 31, Price: 10, Amount: 310, Discount: 6, Profit: 29 },
    { 'Item Name': 'Cricket Shoes', Date: '07/09/2014', Time: '11:32:14 AM', Quantity: 41, Price: 30, Amount: 1210, Discount: 12, Profit: 166 },
    { 'Item Name': 'T-Shirts', Date: '10/31/2014', Time: '12:01:44 AM', Quantity: 50, Price: 10, Amount: 500, Discount: 9, Profit: 55 },

 * Grid datasource

export function getTradeData(dataCount?: number): object {
    let employees: string[] = [
        'Michael', 'Kathryn', 'Tamer', 'Martin', 'Davolio', 'Nancy', 'Fuller', 'Leverling', 'Peacock',
        'Margaret', 'Buchanan', 'Janet', 'Andrew', 'Callahan', 'Laura', 'Dodsworth', 'Anne',
        'Bergs', 'Vinet', 'Anton', 'Fleet', 'Zachery', 'Van', 'King', 'Jack', 'Rose'];
    let designation: string[] = ['Manager', 'CFO', 'Designer', 'Developer', 'Program Directory', 'System Analyst', 'Project Lead'];
    let mail: string[] = ['', '', '', '', ''];
    let location: string[] = ['UK', 'USA', 'Sweden', 'France', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Austria', 'Germany', 'Mexico'];
    let status: string[] = ['Active', 'Inactive'];
    let trustworthiness: string[] = ['Perfect', 'Sufficient', 'Insufficient'];
    let tradeData: Object[] = [];
    let address: string[] = ['59 rue de lAbbaye', 'Luisenstr. 48', 'Rua do Paço, 67', '2, rue du Commerce', 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
        'Rua do mailPaço, 67', 'Hauptstr. 31', 'Starenweg 5', 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
        'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', 'Kirchgasse 6',
        'Sierras de Granada 9993', 'Mehrheimerstr. 369', 'Rua da Panificadora, 12', '2817 Milton Dr.', 'Kirchgasse 6',
        'Åkergatan 24', '24, place Kléber', 'Torikatu 38', 'Berliner Platz 43', '5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes', '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
        'Torikatu 38', 'P.O. Box 555', '2817 Milton Dr.', 'Taucherstraße 10', '59 rue de lAbbaye', 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
        'Avda. Azteca 123', 'Heerstr. 22', 'Berguvsvägen  8', 'Magazinweg 7', 'Berguvsvägen  8', 'Gran Vía, 1', 'Gran Vía, 1',
        'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', 'Magazinweg 7', 'Taucherstraße 10', 'Taucherstraße 10',
        'Av. Copacabana, 267', 'Strada Provinciale 124', 'Fauntleroy Circus', 'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23',
        'Rua da Panificadora, 12', 'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', 'Avda. Azteca 123', '2817 Milton Dr.'];
    let employeeimg: string[] = ['usermale', 'userfemale'];
    if (typeof dataCount === 'string') {
        dataCount = parseInt(dataCount, 10);
    for (let i: number = 1; i <= dataCount; i++) {
        let code: any = 10000;
            'EmployeeID': code + i,
                employees[Math.floor(Math.random() * employees.length)] + ' ' + employees[Math.floor(Math.random() * employees.length)],
            'Designation': designation[Math.floor(Math.random() * designation.length)],
            'Location': location[Math.floor(Math.random() * location.length)],
            'Status': status[Math.floor(Math.random() * status.length)],
            'Trustworthiness': trustworthiness[Math.floor(Math.random() * trustworthiness.length)],
            'Rating': Math.floor(Math.random() * 5),
            'Software': Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
            'EmployeeImg': employeeimg[Math.floor(Math.random() * employeeimg.length)],
            'CurrentSalary': Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)),
            'Address': address[Math.floor(Math.random() * address.length)],
        let employee: string = 'Employees';
        let emp: string = tradeData[i - 1][employee];
        let sName: string = emp.substr(0, emp.indexOf(' ')).toLowerCase();
        let empmail: string = 'Mail';
        tradeData[i - 1][empmail] = sName + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 10) + '@' + mail[Math.floor(Math.random() * mail.length)];

    return tradeData;

export let tradeData: Object[] = [
      "EmployeeID": 10001,
      "Employees": "Laura Nancy",
      "Designation": "Designer",
      "Location": "France",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 69,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 84194,
      "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10002,
      "Employees": "Zachery Van",
      "Designation": "CFO",
      "Location": "Canada",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 99,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 55349,
      "Address": "5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10003,
      "Employees": "Rose Fuller",
      "Designation": "CFO",
      "Location": "France",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 1,
      "Software": 1,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 16477,
      "Address": "2817 Milton Dr.",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10004,
      "Employees": "Jack Bergs",
      "Designation": "Manager",
      "Location": "Mexico",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 36,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 49040,
      "Address": "2, rue du Commerce",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10005,
      "Employees": "Vinet Bergs",
      "Designation": "Program Directory",
      "Location": "UK",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 1,
      "Software": 39,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 5495,
      "Address": "Rua da Panificadora, 12",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10006,
      "Employees": "Buchanan Van",
      "Designation": "Designer",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 4,
      "Software": 78,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 42182,
      "Address": "24, place Kléber",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10007,
      "Employees": "Dodsworth Nancy",
      "Designation": "Project Lead",
      "Location": "USA",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 0,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 35776,
      "Address": "Rua do Paço, 67",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10008,
      "Employees": "Laura Jack",
      "Designation": "Developer",
      "Location": "Austria",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 89,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 25108,
      "Address": "Rua da Panificadora, 12",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10009,
      "Employees": "Anne Fuller",
      "Designation": "Program Directory",
      "Location": "Mexico",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 19,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 32568,
      "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10010,
      "Employees": "Buchanan Andrew",
      "Designation": "Designer",
      "Location": "Austria",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 1,
      "Software": 62,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 12320,
      "Address": "P.O. Box 555",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10011,
      "Employees": "Andrew Janet",
      "Designation": "System Analyst",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 8,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 20890,
      "Address": "Starenweg 5",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10012,
      "Employees": "Margaret Tamer",
      "Designation": "System Analyst",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 4,
      "Software": 7,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 22337,
      "Address": "Magazinweg 7",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10013,
      "Employees": "Tamer Fuller",
      "Designation": "CFO",
      "Location": "Canada",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 78,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 89181,
      "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10014,
      "Employees": "Tamer Anne",
      "Designation": "CFO",
      "Location": "Sweden",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 18,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 20998,
      "Address": "Taucherstraße 10",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10015,
      "Employees": "Anton Davolio",
      "Designation": "Project Lead",
      "Location": "France",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 4,
      "Software": 8,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 48232,
      "Address": "Luisenstr. 48",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10016,
      "Employees": "Buchanan Buchanan",
      "Designation": "System Analyst",
      "Location": "Austria",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 19,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 43041,
      "Address": "Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10017,
      "Employees": "King Buchanan",
      "Designation": "Program Directory",
      "Location": "Sweden",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 44,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 25259,
      "Address": "Magazinweg 7",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10018,
      "Employees": "Rose Michael",
      "Designation": "Project Lead",
      "Location": "Canada",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 4,
      "Software": 31,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 91156,
      "Address": "Fauntleroy Circus",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10019,
      "Employees": "King Bergs",
      "Designation": "Developer",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 2,
      "Software": 29,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 28826,
      "Address": "2817 Milton Dr.",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10020,
      "Employees": "Davolio Fuller",
      "Designation": "Designer",
      "Location": "Canada",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 35,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 71035,
      "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10021,
      "Employees": "Rose Rose",
      "Designation": "CFO",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 38,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 68123,
      "Address": "Rua do Mercado, 12",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10022,
      "Employees": "Andrew Michael",
      "Designation": "Program Directory",
      "Location": "UK",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 2,
      "Software": 61,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 75470,
      "Address": "2, rue du Commerce",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10023,
      "Employees": "Davolio Kathryn",
      "Designation": "Manager",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 25,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 25234,
      "Address": "Hauptstr. 31",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10024,
      "Employees": "Anne Fleet",
      "Designation": "System Analyst",
      "Location": "UK",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 0,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 8341,
      "Address": "59 rue de lAbbaye",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10025,
      "Employees": "Margaret Andrew",
      "Designation": "System Analyst",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 51,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 84975,
      "Address": "P.O. Box 555",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10026,
      "Employees": "Kathryn Laura",
      "Designation": "Project Lead",
      "Location": "Austria",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Insufficient",
      "Rating": 3,
      "Software": 48,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 97282,
      "Address": "Avda. Azteca 123",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10027,
      "Employees": "Michael Michael",
      "Designation": "Developer",
      "Location": "UK",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 4,
      "Software": 16,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 4184,
      "Address": "Rua do Paço, 67",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10028,
      "Employees": "Leverling Vinet",
      "Designation": "Project Lead",
      "Location": "Germany",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 57,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 38370,
      "Address": "59 rue de lAbbaye",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10029,
      "Employees": "Rose Jack",
      "Designation": "Developer",
      "Location": "UK",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Perfect",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 46,
      "EmployeeImg": "userfemale",
      "CurrentSalary": 84790,
      "Address": "Rua do Mercado, 12",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"
      "EmployeeID": 10030,
      "Employees": "Vinet Van",
      "Designation": "Developer",
      "Location": "USA",
      "Status": "Active",
      "Trustworthiness": "Sufficient",
      "Rating": 0,
      "Software": 40,
      "EmployeeImg": "usermale",
      "CurrentSalary": 71005,
      "Address": "Gran Vía, 1",
      "Mail": "[email protected]"

Filter by cell value

To apply a filter for a cell value, right-click the cell and choose filter -> Filter By Selected Cell's Value option from the menu. It applies the filter based on the value of the selected cell in the current sheet.

Clear filter

After applying filter to a certain column, you may want to clear it to make all filtered rows visible again. It can be done in the following ways,

  • Choose Clear option in ribbon toolbar under Filter and Sort. It clears the filters applied in the spreadsheet for all fields.

  • Use the clearFilter() method programmatically, to clear the applied filters in spreadsheet for all fields.

Clear filter on a field

After filtering, you can clear/reset the filter for a field alone. It can be done in the following ways,

  • Click filter icon in the column’s header and then choose Clear Filter option from the filter dialog.
  • You can right-click on a filtered column cell and choose Clear Filter from <Column Name>. option from the context menu.
  • Use the clearFilter(field) method programmatically, to clear the filter in a particular column.

Reapply filter

When you want to reapply the filter after some changes happened in the rows. It can be done in the following ways,

  • You can choose Reapply option in ribbon toolbar under Filter and Sort to reapply the filtered columns again.
  • You can right-click on a filtered cell and choose Reapply option from the context menu. It reapplies the filters again in the Spreadsheet for all the fields.

Known error validations

The following errors have been handled for filtering,

  • Out of range validation: When the selected range is not a used range of the active sheet, it is considered as invalid and the out of range alert with the message Select a cell or range inside the used range and try again will be displayed. No filter will be performed if the range is invalid.

Get data from filtered rows

Filtering allows you to view specific rows in a spreadsheet while hiding the others. The allowFiltering property allows you to enable or disable filtering functionality through the UI. You can also use the allowFiltering property and applyFilter method combination to filter data via code behind. The filtered rows can be identified by iterating through the row collection on the sheet and using the isFiltered property available in each row object.

The following code example shows how to get the filtered rows.

import * as React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { SpreadsheetComponent, SheetsDirective, SheetDirective, RangesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { RangeDirective, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { defaultData } from './datasource';

function App() {
    const spreadsheetRef = React.useRef(null);
    const created = () => {
        spreadsheetRef.current.cellFormat({ fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, 'A1:F1');
        // Construct the predicate model to be updated to the data.
        let predicates = [{
            field: 'C',
            operator: 'equal',
            value: 'Pink',
            matchCase: false
        // Apply filter to the specified range.
        spreadsheetRef.current.applyFilter(predicates, 'A1:C7');
    const onClick = () => {
        let spreadsheet = spreadsheetRef.current;
        let activeSheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
        let usedRange = activeSheet.usedRange;
        for (let i = 0; i <= usedRange.rowIndex; i++) {
            // Get the filtered row using isFiltered property.
            let filteredRow = (activeSheet.rows[i]).isFiltered;
            if (!filteredRow) {
                let rowData = spreadsheet.getRowData(i);
                console.log("Row:", i + 1, "Cells", rowData);

    return (
        <div className='control-section spreadsheet-control'>
            <button className="e-btn custom-btn" onClick={onClick}> Get Filtered Data </button>
            <SpreadsheetComponent ref={spreadsheetRef} created={created}>
                            <RangeDirective dataSource={defaultData}></RangeDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={180}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={180}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={120}></ColumnDirective>
export default App;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<App />);
import * as React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { SpreadsheetComponent, SheetsDirective, SheetDirective, RangesDirective, ExtendedRowModel, UsedRangeModel, SheetModel, RangeDirective, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { PredicateModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { defaultData } from './datasource';

function App() {
    const spreadsheetRef = React.useRef<SpreadsheetComponent>(null);
    const created = (): void => {
        spreadsheetRef.current.cellFormat({ fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, 'A1:F1');
        // Construct the predicate model to be updated to the data.
        let predicates: PredicateModel[] = [{
            field: 'C',
            operator: 'equal',
            value: 'Pink',
            matchCase: false
        // Apply filter to the specified range.
        spreadsheetRef.current.applyFilter(predicates, 'A1:C7');
    const onClick = () => {
        let spreadsheet = spreadsheetRef.current;
        let activeSheet: SheetModel = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
        let usedRange: UsedRangeModel = activeSheet.usedRange;
        for (let i: number = 0; i <= usedRange.rowIndex; i++) {
            // Get the filtered row using isFiltered property.
            let filteredRow: Object = (activeSheet.rows[i] as ExtendedRowModel).isFiltered;
            if (!filteredRow) {
                let rowData: Object = spreadsheet.getRowData(i);
                console.log("Row:", i + 1, "Cells", rowData);
    return (
        <div className='control-section spreadsheet-control'>
            <button className="e-btn custom-btn" onClick={onClick}> Get Filtered Data </button>
            <SpreadsheetComponent ref={spreadsheetRef} created={created}>
                            <RangeDirective dataSource={defaultData}></RangeDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={180}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={180}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={130}></ColumnDirective>
                            <ColumnDirective width={120}></ColumnDirective>
export default App;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!);
root.render(<App />);
 * Default data source
export let defaultData = [
        "Customer Name": "Romona Heaslip",
        "Model": "Taurus",
        "Color": "Aquamarine",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "07/11/2015",
        "Amount": "8529.22"
        "Customer Name": "Clare Batterton",
        "Model": "Sparrow",
        "Color": "Pink",
        "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
        "Delivery Date": "7/13/2016",
        "Amount": "17866.19"
        "Customer Name": "Eamon Traise",
        "Model": "Grand Cherokee",
        "Color": "Blue",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "09/04/2015",
        "Amount": "13853.09"
        "Customer Name": "Julius Gorner",
        "Model": "GTO",
        "Color": "Aquamarine",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "12/15/2017",
        "Amount": "2338.74"
        "Customer Name": "Jenna Schoolfield",
        "Model": "LX",
        "Color": "Yellow",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "10/08/2014",
        "Amount": "9578.45"
        "Customer Name": "Marylynne Harring",
        "Model": "Catera",
        "Color": "Green",
        "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
        "Delivery Date": "7/01/2017",
        "Amount": "19141.62"
        "Customer Name": "Vilhelmina Leipelt",
        "Model": "7 Series",
        "Color": "Goldenrod",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "12/20/2015",
        "Amount": "6543.30"
        "Customer Name": "Barby Heisler",
        "Model": "Corvette",
        "Color": "Red",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "11/24/2014",
        "Amount": "13035.06"
        "Customer Name": "Karyn Boik",
        "Model": "Regal",
        "Color": "Indigo",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "05/12/2014",
        "Amount": "18488.80"
        "Customer Name": "Jeanette Pamplin",
        "Model": "S4",
        "Color": "Fuscia",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "12/30/2014",
        "Amount": "12317.04"
        "Customer Name": "Cristi Espinos",
        "Model": "TL",
        "Color": "Aquamarine",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "12/18/2013",
        "Amount": "6230.13"
        "Customer Name": "Issy Humm",
        "Model": "Club Wagon",
        "Color": "Pink",
        "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
        "Delivery Date": "02/02/2015",
        "Amount": "9709.49"
        "Customer Name": "Tuesday Fautly",
        "Model": "V8 Vantage",
        "Color": "Crimson",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "11/19/2014",
        "Amount": "9766.10"
        "Customer Name": "Rosemaria Thomann",
        "Model": "Caravan",
        "Color": "Violet",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "02/08/2014",
        "Amount": "7685.49"
        "Customer Name": "Lyell Fuentez",
        "Model": "Bravada",
        "Color": "Violet",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "08/05/2016",
        "Amount": "18012.45"
        "Customer Name": "Raynell Layne",
        "Model": "Colorado",
        "Color": "Pink",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "05/30/2016",
        "Amount": "2785.49"
        "Customer Name": "Raye Whines",
        "Model": "4Runner",
        "Color": "Red",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "12/10/2016",
        "Amount": "9967.74"
        "Customer Name": "Virgina Aharoni",
        "Model": "TSX",
        "Color": "Pink",
        "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
        "Delivery Date": "10/23/2014",
        "Amount": "5584.33"
        "Customer Name": "Peta Cheshir",
        "Model": "Pathfinder",
        "Color": "Red",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "12/24/2015",
        "Amount": "5286.53"
        "Customer Name": "Jule Urion",
        "Model": "Charger",
        "Color": "Violet",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "11/20/2013",
        "Amount": "13511.91"
        "Customer Name": "Lew Gilyatt",
        "Model": "Bonneville",
        "Color": "Crimson",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "11/19/2013",
        "Amount": "6498.19"
        "Customer Name": "Jobey Fortun",
        "Model": "B-Series",
        "Color": "Blue",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "10/30/2014",
        "Amount": "10359.67"
        "Customer Name": "Blondie Crump",
        "Model": "Voyager",
        "Color": "Turquoise",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "04/06/2018",
        "Amount": "8118.39"
        "Customer Name": "Florentia Binns",
        "Model": "Grand Prix",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
        "Delivery Date": "10/13/2016",
        "Amount": "10204.37"
        "Customer Name": "Jaquelin Galtone",
        "Model": "Sunbird",
        "Color": "Red",
        "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
        "Delivery Date": "10/22/2013",
        "Amount": "6528.06"
        "Customer Name": "Hakeem Easseby",
        "Model": "Mirage",
        "Color": "Crimson",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "9/12/2014",
        "Amount": "5619.25"
        "Customer Name": "Nickolaus Gidman",
        "Model": "XK",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "05/12/2016",
        "Amount": "5091.43"
        "Customer Name": "Jenine Iglesia",
        "Model": "Accord",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "09/03/2018",
        "Amount": "14566.08"
        "Customer Name": "Fax Witherspoon",
        "Model": "Range Rover Sport",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
        "Delivery Date": "2/22/2018",
        "Amount": "5284.87"
 * Default data source
export let defaultData: Object[] = [
    "Customer Name": "Romona Heaslip",
    "Model": "Taurus",
    "Color": "Aquamarine",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "07/11/2015",
    "Amount": "8529.22"
    "Customer Name": "Clare Batterton",
    "Model": "Sparrow",
    "Color": "Pink",
    "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
    "Delivery Date": "7/13/2016",
    "Amount": "17866.19"
    "Customer Name": "Eamon Traise",
    "Model": "Grand Cherokee",
    "Color": "Blue",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "09/04/2015",
    "Amount": "13853.09"
    "Customer Name": "Julius Gorner",
    "Model": "GTO",
    "Color": "Aquamarine",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "12/15/2017",
    "Amount": "2338.74"
    "Customer Name": "Jenna Schoolfield",
    "Model": "LX",
    "Color": "Yellow",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "10/08/2014",
    "Amount": "9578.45"
    "Customer Name": "Marylynne Harring",
    "Model": "Catera",
    "Color": "Green",
    "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
    "Delivery Date": "7/01/2017",
    "Amount": "19141.62"
    "Customer Name": "Vilhelmina Leipelt",
    "Model": "7 Series",
    "Color": "Goldenrod",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "12/20/2015",
    "Amount": "6543.30"
    "Customer Name": "Barby Heisler",
    "Model": "Corvette",
    "Color": "Red",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "11/24/2014",
    "Amount": "13035.06"
    "Customer Name": "Karyn Boik",
    "Model": "Regal",
    "Color": "Indigo",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "05/12/2014",
    "Amount": "18488.80"
    "Customer Name": "Jeanette Pamplin",
    "Model": "S4",
    "Color": "Fuscia",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "12/30/2014",
    "Amount": "12317.04"
    "Customer Name": "Cristi Espinos",
    "Model": "TL",
    "Color": "Aquamarine",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "12/18/2013",
    "Amount": "6230.13"
    "Customer Name": "Issy Humm",
    "Model": "Club Wagon",
    "Color": "Pink",
    "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
    "Delivery Date": "02/02/2015",
    "Amount": "9709.49"
    "Customer Name": "Tuesday Fautly",
    "Model": "V8 Vantage",
    "Color": "Crimson",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "11/19/2014",
    "Amount": "9766.10"
    "Customer Name": "Rosemaria Thomann",
    "Model": "Caravan",
    "Color": "Violet",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "02/08/2014",
    "Amount": "7685.49"
    "Customer Name": "Lyell Fuentez",
    "Model": "Bravada",
    "Color": "Violet",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "08/05/2016",
    "Amount": "18012.45"
    "Customer Name": "Raynell Layne",
    "Model": "Colorado",
    "Color": "Pink",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "05/30/2016",
    "Amount": "2785.49"
    "Customer Name": "Raye Whines",
    "Model": "4Runner",
    "Color": "Red",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "12/10/2016",
    "Amount": "9967.74"
    "Customer Name": "Virgina Aharoni",
    "Model": "TSX",
    "Color": "Pink",
    "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
    "Delivery Date": "10/23/2014",
    "Amount": "5584.33"
    "Customer Name": "Peta Cheshir",
    "Model": "Pathfinder",
    "Color": "Red",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "12/24/2015",
    "Amount": "5286.53"
    "Customer Name": "Jule Urion",
    "Model": "Charger",
    "Color": "Violet",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "11/20/2013",
    "Amount": "13511.91"
    "Customer Name": "Lew Gilyatt",
    "Model": "Bonneville",
    "Color": "Crimson",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "11/19/2013",
    "Amount": "6498.19"
    "Customer Name": "Jobey Fortun",
    "Model": "B-Series",
    "Color": "Blue",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "10/30/2014",
    "Amount": "10359.67"
    "Customer Name": "Blondie Crump",
    "Model": "Voyager",
    "Color": "Turquoise",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "04/06/2018",
    "Amount": "8118.39"
    "Customer Name": "Florentia Binns",
    "Model": "Grand Prix",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "Payment Mode": "Cash On Delivery",
    "Delivery Date": "10/13/2016",
    "Amount": "10204.37"
    "Customer Name": "Jaquelin Galtone",
    "Model": "Sunbird",
    "Color": "Red",
    "Payment Mode": "Net Banking",
    "Delivery Date": "10/22/2013",
    "Amount": "6528.06"
    "Customer Name": "Hakeem Easseby",
    "Model": "Mirage",
    "Color": "Crimson",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "9/12/2014",
    "Amount": "5619.25"
    "Customer Name": "Nickolaus Gidman",
    "Model": "XK",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "05/12/2016",
    "Amount": "5091.43"
    "Customer Name": "Jenine Iglesia",
    "Model": "Accord",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "Payment Mode": "Debit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "09/03/2018",
    "Amount": "14566.08"
    "Customer Name": "Fax Witherspoon",
    "Model": "Range Rover Sport",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "Payment Mode": "Credit Card",
    "Delivery Date": "2/22/2018",
    "Amount": "5284.87"


The following features have some limitations in Filter:

  • Insert/delete row/column between the filter applied cells.
  • Merge cells with filter.
  • Copy/cut paste the filter applied cells.


You can refer to our React Spreadsheet feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our React Spreadsheet example to knows how to present and manipulate data.

See Also