
4 Aug 202324 minutes to read

The Ribbon component supports tooltip to show additional information in the Ribbon items. The tooltip appears when the user hovers over a Ribbon item.

Adding Title

You can use the title property to set the tooltip title for each Ribbon item.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";

function App() {

    const cutOptions = { title: "Cut" };
    const copyOptions = { title: "Copy" };
    const pasteOptions = { title: "Paste" };
    const painterOptions = { title: "Format Painter" };
    const pasteOption = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

    return (
        <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
                <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
                        <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                                            splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize, RibbonTooltipModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { ItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";

function App() {

  const cutOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Cut" };
  const copyOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Copy" };
  const pasteOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Paste" };
  const painterOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Format Painter" };
  const pasteOption: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

  return (
    <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
        <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
            <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                      splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
/* Represents the styles for loader */
#loader {
  color: #008cff;
  height: 40px;
  left: 45%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  width: 30%;

Adding Content

You can use the content property to set the tooltip content for each Ribbon item.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";

function App() {

    const cutOptions = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else." };
    const copyOptions = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere." };
    const pasteOptions = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed." };
    const painterOptions = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document." };
    const pasteOption = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

    return (
        <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
                <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
                        <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                                            splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize, RibbonTooltipModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { ItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";

function App() {

  const cutOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else." };
  const copyOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere." };
  const pasteOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed." };
  const painterOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document." };
  const pasteOption: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

  return (
    <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
        <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
            <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                      splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
/* Represents the styles for loader */
#loader {
  color: #008cff;
  height: 40px;
  left: 45%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  width: 30%;

Adding Icon

You can use the iconCss property to specify the icons to be displayed in the tooltip.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";

function App() {

    const cutOptions = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else.", iconCss: "e-icons e-cut" };
    const copyOptions = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere.", iconCss: "e-icons e-copy" };
    const pasteOptions = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed.", iconCss: "e-icons e-paste" };
    const painterOptions = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document.", iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter" };
    const pasteOption = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

    return (
        <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
                <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
                        <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                                            splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize, RibbonTooltipModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { ItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";

function App() {

  const cutOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else.", iconCss: "e-icons e-cut" };
  const copyOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere.", iconCss: "e-icons e-copy" };
  const pasteOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed.", iconCss: "e-icons e-paste" };
  const painterOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document.", iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter" };
  const pasteOption: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

  return (
    <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
        <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
            <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                      splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
/* Represents the styles for loader */
#loader {
  color: #008cff;
  height: 40px;
  left: 45%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  width: 30%;


You can use the cssClass property to customize the appearance of the tooltip with your own custom styles.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";

function App() {

    const cutOptions = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
    const copyOptions = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
    const pasteOptions = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
    const painterOptions = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
    const pasteOption = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

    return (
        <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
                <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
                        <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                                            splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                                        <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize, RibbonTooltipModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { ItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";

function App() {

  const cutOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Cut", content: "Places the selected text or object on the clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
  const copyOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Copy", content: "Copies the chosen text or object to the clipboard so that you can reuse it elsewhere.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
  const pasteOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Paste", content: "Insert the clipboard content where the cursor is currently placed.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
  const painterOptions: RibbonTooltipModel = { title: "Format Painter", content: "Copies the formatting style of a selected text or object and applies it to other content within the document.", cssClass: "custom-tooltip" };
  const pasteOption: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];

  return (
    <RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
        <RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
            <RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard">
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={pasteOptions}
                      splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOption, content: "Paste" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} ribbonTooltipSettings={cutOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={copyOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
                    <RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Medium} ribbonTooltipSettings={painterOptions} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
/* Represents the styles for loader */
#loader {
  color: #008cff;
  height: 40px;
  left: 45%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  width: 30%;

:root {
  --borderColor: rgb(72, 72, 72);
  --black: #000000;

/* To customize the appearance of the tooltip */
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip.e-popup {
  border: 2px solid var(--borderColor);
  border-radius: 5px;
  background: var(--black);

/* To customize the arrow of the tooltip */
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-arrow-tip .e-arrow-tip-inner.e-tip-top,
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-arrow-tip .e-arrow-tip-inner.e-tip-bottom {
  color: var(--black);;
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-arrow-tip-outer.e-tip-top {
  border-bottom: 8px solid var(--borderColor); 
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-arrow-tip-outer.e-tip-bottom {
  border-top: 8px solid var(--borderColor);; 

/* To change the size of the tooltip title */
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-tip-content .e-ribbon-tooltip-title {
  font-size: 14px;

/* To change the size of the tooltip content */
.custom-tooltip.e-ribbon-tooltip .e-tip-content .e-ribbon-text-container .e-ribbon-tooltip-content {
  font-size: 11px;