Essential Studio for EJ2 React Release Notes

September 26, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #F184357 - Funnel chart is now rendering properly when all the data points value is zero.
  • #I498982 - Data labels are now displaying properly after legend click.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498152 - Fixed the issue of pane collapse when zooming in the chart.
  • #I498070 - Now, the tooltip is displaying properly for all series when the shared tooltip is enabled.
  • #I478252 - Updated legend aria-label based on the visibility of the series.
  • #I499382 - Changed the color of the tab bar line based on the theme.
  • #I499384 - Chart points are now focusing properly when navigating using arrow keys.
  • #I498673 - Now the primary axes are displaying properly when rendering series using secondary axes.
  • #I500178 - Fixed a issue where a console error was being thrown when trying to zoom in the Pareto chart during selection.
  • #I482650 - Fixed issue where the height of the chart would increase when the axis was hidden.


Bug Fixes

  • #I184493 - The null exception will no longer thrown while hovering over the ports.
  • #F45135 - Now, onUserHandleMouseUp event triggers for single time.
  • #I487517 - Now, while enabling virtualization constraints nodes does not disappears.


Bug Fixes

  • #I492922 - The issue with the drag and drop support for the File Manager component in mobile mode has been resolved.
  • #I495435 - Duplicate folders issue in the navigation pane of the File Manager while switching root folders frequently has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499689 - Provided the “ShapeChanging” event trigger support for pen action annotation.
  • #I495011 - Provided the “ShapeChanged” event trigger support for after shapes are changed and applied to canvas.


Bug Fixes

  • #I497871 - After adding a marker using the addMarker method, marker locations will now be correct when zooming and panning is performed on the Maps.


Bug fixes

  • F184045 - The pivot table can now be exported as Excel with conditional formatting.
  • I500613 - When an OLAP cube dimension member with a special character is used, the pivot table now works properly.
  • I496328 - Filtering is now applied properly in the pivot table when the showNoDataItems option is enabled.
  • I474787 - The pivot table will now be properly displayed while scrolling in MAC with the virtualization option enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I501894 - Now, the linear progress bar label renders properly when the alignment is set to center.


Bug Fixes

#I491455 - Now, the flickering and the script issue raised when dynamically enable/disable the ribbon item is resolved.

#I499031 - Now, the issue with overflow popup items are arranged in reversal order when being resized is resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I501151 - An issue where the eventDoubleClick event is not triggering has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I497270 - Provided the support to “GetSignature” public method returns base64 string with background.
  • #F184324 - Provided the “refresh” public method to signature component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499291, #I496936 - Issue with “ESC key and edit mode functionality don’t work properly when rendering the spreadsheet inside the dialog” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498062 - The console errors with the Tooltip component while dragging a diagram node over another node frequently has been resolved.