Essential Studio for React Release Notes
October 11, 2022
Bug Fixes
- An issue with incorrect aria attributes in accordion has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now shared tooltip is rendering properly for all points.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with aria-checked accessibility issue in angular checkbox has been fixed.
- The animation of pointers has been improved. When the pointer value is dynamically updated, the animation will be performed.
Bug Fixes
- Script error thrown ininsertBefore
method While items not available in menu items has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “forward button in end date calendar is not working in daterangepicker” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Provided the custom context menu support for the swimlane phase. -
- Now, BPMN text annotation node gets dragged properly while drag the swimlane. -
- Now, the bezier annotation horizontal and vertical alignment is working properly. -
- The null exception will no longer thrown while changing the overview id.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the curly braces preservation in RTL paragraph -
- Resolved the paragraph mark selection issue on shift + page up. -
- Resolved the script error while opening the document with duplicate style name. -
- Resolved the issue with accept all/reject all from track changes pane. -
- Paragraph formatting is now preserved properly on copy and paste. -
- Resolved the script error while exporting the document with content control. -
- Resolved the script error while opening the document with line break character. -
- Resolved the overlapping issue while resizing the table cell.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “Previous value not updated properly in change event argument when we clear the value” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Column header in the Details view within the File Manager is not accessible via the Tab keyboard” has been resolved.
The Floating Action Button (FAB) component performs the primary action that appears in front of all screen contents. It can be positioned in relation to a page or a target container.
- Rendering - The FAB component can be rendered as Icon only, Icon with Label, Label only, or in a disabled state.
- Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
- Styles - The appearance of the FAB can be customized using predefined styles.
Accessibility - The FAB provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- Gantt records disappear when scrolling up and down quickly issue has been fixed. -
- Console error when all the element is disabled in context menu. -
- Data source update on load time issue has been fixed. -
- Pdf export is not working when the data has Hebrew characters. -
- Add new record in resource view without child mapping issue has been fixed. -
- Pdf export is not working when the data has Hebrew and Vietnamese characters.
Bug Fixes
- Grid editing after removing frozen column throws script error has been fixed. -
- Checkbox selection is not working properly on down arrow key navigation has been fixed. -
- Save action of command column is not working when Grid having both left and right frozen has been fixed. -
- Frozen rows are not emptied even if filtering returns no record whenvirtualization
enabled has been fixed. -
- Provided localization support for sort buttons in Adaptive Grid. -
event not triggered with custom span element in row cells has been fixed. -
- Memory leak issue with Command column has been fixed. -
- Ellipsis is not showing in the Firefox browser has been fixed. -
- Focus issue while render multiple inputs in the column template issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The zero value label in the x- and y-axes will now appear correctly.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the column clones are created properly when dragging the card when the horizontal page scroll appears and it is scrolled.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “Script error thrown while drag and drop after removed the item from listbox using removeItem method” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Data labels will now render properly when the values fromshapeDataPath
are numbers.
Bug Fixes
- Now we can select the search-highlighted text content. -
- Now, ink annotations are rendered properly while loading the document. -
- Now the script error does not occur when ink annotation moves out of the document. -
- Now, Form fields value are not missing on scrolling the pages using keyboard shortcut. -
- Now, Custom data property from free text annotation is updating in the imported annotation.
Bug Fixes
- Number formatting is now applied properly to row and column headers in the pivot table. -
- Pivot table cell values are now properly exported as PDF document based on the text align property.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with Value getting removed while closing fields Dropdown without change the value when we set rule property of query builder has been fixed
Bug Fixes
- An issue withresourceHeaderTemplate
details not shown in mobile mode has been fixed. -
- An issue with Importing exported ICS file with the edited recurrence event causes issue while editing the recurrence event has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “using tab index as0
on the container of Sidebar component” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Sparkline component is not rendered in React Next app issue has been fixed.
The Speed Dial component is an extension of the floating action button that displays a list of action buttons when clicked. It is useful when there is more than one primary action for the page.
- Rendering - The Speed Dial component can be rendered in two display modes: Linear and Radial.
- Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
- Styles - The appearance of the Speed Dial can be customized using predefined styles.
- Template Support - The Speed Dial component action items and popup container can also be rendered with custom templates.
- Modal Support - Supports showing a modal overlay behind the Speed Dial.
Accessibility - The Speed Dial provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Switch component click event trigger two times when we handling enable/disable dynamically” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “when using custom template variant the anchor that triggers the tooltip when hover is unable to receive keyboard focus” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Virtualization works properly with remote data binding -
- Row Drag and Drop works properly between the tree grids when items are collapsed.