Essential Studio for React Release Notes

August 23, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I397378 - Legend toggle visibility displays diagonal line in chart issue has been fixed.
  • #I396922 - Axis ranges are now refreshing properly after data point dragging.
  • #I397935 - Axis are now rendering properly after legend toggle.


Bug Fixes

  • #I396868 - Now bezier connector rendered properly while drag and drop from palette.
  • #I397678 - Now, the connector is dropped properly inside the swimlane.
  • #I397852 - Now, layers undefined exception will no longer thrown while save and load.
  • #I397116 - Now, Bezier connector annotation rendered at the proper position.


Bug Fixes

  • #F175673 - Resolved search result navigation issue in header/footer.
  • #I390692 - Resolved issue with rendering paragraph border.
  • #I376858 - Resolved script error which scrolling the document.
  • #I376819,#I377834 - Resolved script error on accept all/ reject all.
  • #I381509 - Resolved issue with editing floating elements.
  • #I386049 - Font family is now applied properly for selected paragraphs.
  • #I383929 - Resolved issue with applying top border.
  • #I379641, #I392674 - Resolved the document layouting issue.
  • #I383391 - Track changes now preserved properly while accepting revisions.
  • #I387206, #I379404 - Resolved the table layouting issue.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the exception issue when image exist in the last column of the grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #I389542 - Filter records with hierarchy mode as both shows no record to display issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I388962 - Screen reader reads the expanded row as collapsed issue has been resolved.
  • #I392206 - Provided support to export pdf header with text alignment.


Bug Fixes

  • #I389679 - Now ,form fields color should not be changed on read only mode.
  • #I390997,#I392717,#I394607 - The signature is now displayed and properly positioned in read only mode the document that was downloaded.
  • #I383430 - Now , form fields does not generate duplicates while using CTRL c and CRTL v.
  • #I394763 - Now , form fields is not deleted while trying to delete the text with delete key in property dialog.
  • #I394979 - The problem with continuously and programmatically adding a signature image disappearing has been resolved.
  • #I397495 - Now the signature and Initial field is visible in chrome downloaded in the PDF Viewer.
  • #F176687 - Now, markup text of Free Text annotation is proper for Arabic text.
  • #I386832 - Now if the zoomMode is set to FitToWidth, we can update or get the form field values properly.
  • #I391994 - Now, The document download performance is improved if the PDF document contains above 1000 pages.


Bug Fixes

  • #I395797 - Text Wrapping is now working properly in the pivot table.


Bug Fixes

  • #I395418 - Issue with “unable to perform copy and paste actions on the textbox inside the cell template” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I395530 - Issue with ‘Unable to set a break within the content of the Tooltip component in order to render text in multiple lines’ has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I387291 - Resolved no records to display when we update the datasource in async way(using Observables).
  • #F174814 , #I395357 - Resolved expand/collapse icon not visible while initial rendering(using Observables).