Essential Studio for React Release Notes
December 17, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the
property type issue.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with bootstrap CSS file generation has been fixed.
Bullet Chart is the variation of bar chart, which displays one or more measures, and compares it to a target value. You can also display the measures in a qualitative range of performance such as poor, satisfactory, or good. All stock elements are rendered by using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
- Data Binding - Binds the data with local and remote data source.
- Animation - Feature and target bar will be animated when rendering.
- Tooltip - Supports tooltip for the feature and target bar.
- Orientation - Supports vertical and horizontal rendering.
- Flow Direction - Supports to render from right to left.
- Multiple Target - Supports multiple targets.
- Data Labels - Supports data label to enhance the data.
Bug Fixes
- Polar and radar axis labels overlapping with legend issue fixed. -
- Axis labels are invalid when using label format as percentage in stacking 100 percent series types issue fixed. -
- Polar and radar axis labels overlapping with legend issue got fixed. -
- Axis labels are invalid when using label format as percentage in stacking 100 percent series types issue got fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the selected chips values are maintained after selecting and deselecting the chips.
Bug Fixes
- The mobile device ENTER key selection issue in the focused item issue has resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “change event argumentisInteracted
return as false while select the range from presets” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “unable to remove the connector drawn at the run time” has been fixed. -
- The issue with the collectionChange event arguments that do not have parentId information in the element property has been fixed. -
- The issue with the TextAnnotation element size that grows on every move has been fixed. -
- Exception raises when we clear and change the text of TextAnnotation node and click to focus on other element has been fixed. -
- The issue with the Position change event that is not raised properly has been fixed. -
- The issue with updating line routing dynamically has been fixed. -
- The issue “Text Wrapping is not working for lane headers” has been fixed. -
- Visibility issue while using image as content for user handle is now fixed. -
- The issue with an exception that thrown while dragging an element from the pale if we have several diagrams and destroy one diagram has been resolved. -
- The issue “Template annotation drawn numerous times during runtime changes” has been fixed. -
- The issue “Multi-selected node rotation not rotating based on center” has been resolved. -
- The issue “Unable to select a node in swimlane” has been fixed. -
- The selection after drag and drop the nodes out side of the diagram region is now working fine. -
- The performance issue occurs while dragging the diagram elements in flowchart samples has been resolved. -
- The issue “CollectionChange event support while adding lanes at runtime” has been fixed. -
- The issue “Exception raised while deleting a node/connector when you set a diagram node/connector Id as a number” has been fixed. - The issue “Unable to hide a layer at runtime” has been fixed.
- The issue with the grid lines that are black in Safari browser for Angular sample has been fixed. - Now, the image size will be set as image node size when the size is not given.
- The issue “Context menu event will be triggered in ubuntu before the mouse up event, while context menu event will be fired in windows after mouse up” has been fixed. -
- The exception that thrown in addNodeToLane method because Undo/Redo Module is not injected has been fixed. -
- The issue with the Swimlane Header annotation styles that are unable to change has been fixed. -
- The issue “when resizing the text node, text content does not wraps with respect to node size” has been fixed. -
- The issue “children in the swimlane cannot be selected when resizing the lane, which is outside the view ports” has been fixed. -
- The issue with the Swimlane Header annotation styles that are unable to change has been fixed. -
- The issue “Horizontal and vertical alignment not working for the complex hierarchical layout” has been fixed. -
- The issue with the shapes in the overview component that cannot be dragged, if the diagram ScrollLimit is Limited has been fixed. -
- The issue “Not able to determine undo/redo action in the historyChange event” has been fixed. -
- The issue with the position of nodes in the layout that is not retained when we interact and serialize the diagram with the layout at runtime has been fixed.
- The support has been provided to restrict the movement of lane children beyond their boundaries. -
- The support has been provided to rearrange lanes within the swimlane.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with content overflow in IE browser has been resolved in Dialog. -
- Resolved the issue with rendering templates when enabled the policy"script-src self"
in Dialog.
Added support for converting SFDT to Word document in server side. -
- Added support for insert and edit comments. -
- Added support for section pages field. -
- RTL and locale is now updated properly on property change. -
- Enhancement for Auto list feature.
Bug Fixes
- #254048 - UI misalignment while changing the font-size issue fixed.
- #253123 - Provided
methods and update items dynamically.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “script error throws while pressing the escape key after filter the items in the popup” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue withincorrect popup name in popupBeforeOpen event
has been fixed.
- The new events
have been provided to customize thedownload
file operations. - The new ‘ rootAliasName ‘ property has been provided to display the custom root folder name.
- Added the filesystem provider support for File Transfer Protocol.
Bug Fixes
- Context menu not closing issue while scrolling on the Gantt element has been fixed.
- Provided support for converting a task to milestone by method. -
- Provided support for disabling column editing on dialog popup. -
- Provided support for taskbarClick event in Gantt. -
- Provided support for mouseHover event in Gantt.
Breaking Changes
- Now
default value has been changed to null and the value will be updated by given culture. It is also possible to overridedateFormat
property by custom value.
Bug Fixes
- While programmatically filter the Grid,filterBar
does not get updated issue has been fixed. - Filter item template arguments from single object to nested object structure has been reverted.
- Aria labels added for grid dialog with feature name for accessibility improvement. -
- When pressing tab key focus moving to next row support added.
- Provided
support in Frozen Grid.
- Provided the cell color customization support for heatmap by using thecellRender
event . - Provided the legend title support to customize the legend title in heatmap.
- Provided the support for a cell color range to customize a cell color based on the range value.
- Provided the cell color customization support for heatmap by using thecellRender
Bug Fixes
- Checkbox selection not maintained after removing filter has been fixed. -
- script error “contains of undefined in ListBox” while rendering the ListBox and multi select in the same router page has been fixed.
- Provided public methods for
actions. - Provided
method for getting array of data objects.
- Provided support to zoom the maps initially, based on the marker’s location. -
- Provided support to cluster and expand markers with the same latitude and longitude values. -
- Provided clustering support for marker templates. -
- Improved themarkerClusterClick
event to get the hidden cluster collection details. -
- Provided support to select or deselect the shapes dynamically and on initial rendering. -
- Provided support to show tooltip on tap/click. -
- Provided support to bind the shapes and colors to the markers from the data source.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “dynamically added item not displayed initially in box mode when control in focus state” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
Bug Fixes
– Resolved the typo error in annotation exported data. -
– Errors will no longer occur while rendering the annotation in the Firefox browser. -
– Errors will no longer occur in mobile view mode if we set the Pan interaction mode. -
– The form fields are downloaded properly while loading the PDF document in tab control. -
– The annotationAdd and annotationPropertiesChange events are triggered properly for the annotations. -
– The toolbar settings property is working for mobile device. -
– Errors will no longer occur if the session storage exceeds the maximum limit. -
– The annotation modified date is preserved properly in different localization. -
– The font family and text alignment are rendered properly from the exported FreeText annotation data. -
– The text markup annotations are now added properly if the PDF Viewer element ID contains characters. -
– The context menu will now be shown/hidden properly if we disable the default toolbar. -
– The annotation toolbar will now be shown/hidden properly if we disable the annotation toolbar. -
- Errors will no longer occur while resizing the text markup annotations. -
– The annotationId value is now preserved properly for all annotation events. -
- The form fields contents are rendered properly in the printed document, which has been printed in IE browser.
– Provided the support to find the interlinked annotations while selecting the annotations. -
– Provided the support for setting the annotation UI properties. -
– Provided the support to maintain the aspect ratio for custom stamp annotation. -
– Exposed the event to notify the annotation object being moved. -
– Exposed the event to notify the download process in the PDF Viewer control.
Bug Fixes
- The conditional formatting will no longer be applied in empty cells. - The summarization text
in value buttons inside grouping bar and field list layout can be localized now.
- Provision provided to disable the scrollbars in pivot chart. -
- Provision provided to group and separate the grouped headers through UI.
Bug Fixes
- Tooltip is not destroyed while using destroy method.
- Predicate is not created for Date type when between operator is fixed.
- Provided
Condition support. - Provided Template support for Time Picker.
Bug Fixes
- Label alignment issue in range navigator has been fixed.
- Callback event to custom toolbar: The feature allows to bind click event handler to the custom toolbar items in the Rich Text Editor.
- Code format as toolbar button: Provided an option to add the code format as toolbar button with toggle state in the Rich Text Editor.
- XHTML validation: Provided support to validate the content of Rich Text Editor with XHTML standard.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with rendering Scheduler with empty resource collection has been fixed. -
- An issue with page becoming idle for invalid recurrence rule has been fixed. -
- An issue with drag and drop behaviour with resource date wise grouping option has been fixed. -
- An issue with current month not displaying in calendar after swiping in mobile mode has been fixed. - An issue with event position while zooming the page has been fixed.
- An issue with displaying wrong week number for DST time-zones has been fixed.
- Provided the cssClass property to individual panes also to customize it in the Splitter.
- Filtering: Helps you to view specific rows in the spreadsheet by hiding the other rows.
- Undo Redo: Provides the option to perform undo redo operations in spreadsheet.
- Collaborative Editing: Provides the option for real time changes across multiple users in the Spreadsheet.
- Hyperlink: Provides the option to navigate the web links or cell reference within the sheet or to other sheets in spreadsheet.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with bootstrap CSS file generation has been fixed.
Breaking Changes
- An issue with duplicate Tab item id while rendering more than one Tab in same page has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
, #256583
- The issue with passing empty string value to cssClass API has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with destroying sub control rendered inside toolbar is fixed.
- AutoFill support has been provided that allows users to copy the data of selected cells and paste it to another cells by dragging.
Breaking Changes
- Default value of column’s
is set to true, so the HTML tags can be displayed in the Grid header and content by default. To display it as html contentdisableHtmlEncode
need to be set as false.
- Provided the support for refreshing a specific node in tree view. -
- Now, theactionFailure
event triggers while fetching data from the invalid path. -
- Support has been provided to get the disabled nodes in the tree view.