Essential Studio for React Release Notes

March 13, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • Filtered value is not maintained while using model value issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Zooming icons are not visible on refreshing chart is fixed.
  • Chart not exported to SVG in IE11 is fixed.
  • Now the secondary axis is removed after changing the series type from pareto to line.
  • Legend color is not changing while changing point color using point render event is fixed.


  • Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.
  • 100% Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.
  • Support has been provided to wrap axis labels to multiple lines.
  • Chart now supports animation on data updation.


Bug Fixes

  • List’s selection is not removed when remove a selected value using clear button issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Submenu items styles are not proper in ContextMenu issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with clear button not shown when disable the allowEdit property has been fixed.
  • In iOS device, keyboard is not closed when clicking on the date picker button issue has been fixed.



  • Now, you can move to a particular date without UI interaction using NavigateTo method.
  • Provided option to set the start and depth level view of the calendar.



  • Now, you can provide datetime value as a string to the DateTimePicker.


Bug Fixes

  • Drop event is now fixed when drag and drop other component is now working fine.
  • Diagram does not zoom based on the center point is now working fine.
  • Background color of the label and nodes will be black by default while updating dynamically is now working fine.
  • Background color issue found while on text editing is not fixed.
  • Connections have created from port after removing the constraints is now working fine.
  • Performance issue on diagram layout has been fixed.


  • Support added to create a swimlane diagram using code or a visual interface with built-in swim lane shapes.
  • Support provided to prevent “previous selection gets cleared when dragging a new symbol from the symbol palette and dropping it to the diagram”.
  • Support provided to cancel the drag and drop operation from the symbol palette to the diagram when the ESC key is pressed.
  • Support provided to define the padding between the connector’s end point and the object to which it gets connected.
  • Option has been provided to retain the selection of an object when performing undo and redo operations.
  • Option provided to prevent serializing default properties when the diagram is serialized as JSON format.
  • Padding option added to scroll settings.
  • Now, it is possible to export HTML and native nodes to image format.
  • Support provided to limit the number of actions to be stored in the history manager.


Bug Fixes

  • Section break is now serialized properly.


  • Added API to customize the default character format and paragraph format of document editor.
  • Added support to customize context menu.
  • Optimized text rendering.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with change event trigger multiple times when clear value using clear button has been fixed.


The File Manager is a graphical user interface component used to manage the file system. It enables the user to perform common file operations such as accessing, editing, uploading, downloading, and sorting files and folders. This component also allows easy navigation for browsing or selecting a file or folder from the file system.

  • Different Views - Provides detailed and large icon views.
  • Context menu support - Provides detailed and large icon views.
  • Custom toolbar support - Customize the toolbar to provide only necessary features.
  • Multiple file selection - Select multiple files simultaneously.
  • Accessibility - Features built-in accessibility support that makes all features accessible through keyboard interaction, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
  • Localization - Translate file names to any supported language.


  • Data sources – Bind hierarchical or self-referential data to Gantt chart with an array of JavaScript objects or DataManager.
  • Timeline – Display timescale from minutes to decades easily, and also display custom texts in the timeline units. Timeline can be displayed in either one-tier or two-tier layout.
  • Customizable Taskbars – Display various tasks in a project using child taskbar, summary taskbar and milestone UI, that can also be customized with templates.
  • Unscheduled tasks – Support for displaying tasks with undefined start date, end date or duration in a project.
  • Baselines – Display the deviations between planned dates and actual dates of a task in a project using baselines.
  • CRUD actions – Provides the options to dynamically insert, delete and update tasks using columns, dialog and taskbar editing options.
  • Task dependency – Define or update the dependencies between the tasks in a project with four types of task dependencies Finish – Start, Start – Finish, Finish – Finish, Start – Start.
  • Markers and indicators - Support for displaying indicators and flags along with taskbars and task labels. Also map important events in a project using event marker.
  • Filtering – Offers filtering the Gantt content using column menu filtering along with toolbar search box.
  • Customizable columns – Customize the columns and add custom columns to Gantt chart at initialization through column property.
  • Enriched UI – Support for Material, bootstrap, fabric and high contrast themes along with other UI options like holidays support, vertical and horizontal grid lines support and so on.
  • Localization - Provides inherent support to localize the UI.



  • Now it is possible to select or deselect multiple cells in Heatmap by holding CTRL key and mouse click actions.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with duplicate entries on updating the data source while binding data using data manager has been fixed.
  • Now it is possible to perform key interactions with input list items displayed using custom templates.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the border style is applied properly to the shapes when performing selection.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, you can get the proper masked textbox value in the change event.



  • Provided customized filtering support for checkbox mode also.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue “Added PDF document cache element did not maintain properly” has been fixed.
  • The issue “PdfRenderer object is not disposing properly in EJ2 PDF Viewer library” has been fixed.
  • The issue “PDF Viewer clears all the session storage” has been fixed.
  • Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.
  • Resolved Single Page Document Rendering issue.
  • Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue has been fixed.


  • Text Markup annotation support has been provided to PDF Viewer.
  • Mobile view responsiveness support has been provided.
  • Right-to-left support has been provided.
  • Accessibility support has been provided to PDF Viewer.



  • Users can access grid functionalities in the drill-through pop-up.
  • Option to always show the value header even with single value binding.
  • Row header repeats on each page of the PDF document when exporting.
  • Users can display the value zero as zero and empty cells with a custom value.
  • Charts can be rendered against pivot table data independently, and users can modify their report dynamically using the field list.
  • Toolbar support is provided to the pivot table, allowing users easy access to frequently used features.
  • A grouping option is available for date and numbers fields.
  • Users can customize or add custom templates to the Pivot Table cells.
  • Cell selection allows users to select cells and access the selected cell information through the cell selection event.


Bug Fixes

  • Drill-down works properly for date formatted headers.


  • Users can access grid functionalities in the drill-through pop-up.
  • Option to always show the value header even with single value binding.
  • Row header repeats on each page of the PDF document when exporting.
  • Users can display the value zero as zero and empty cells with a custom value.
  • Charts can be rendered against pivot table data independently, and users can modify their report dynamically using the field list.
  • Toolbar support is provided to the pivot table, allowing users easy access to frequently used features.
  • A grouping option is available for date and numbers fields.
  • Users can customize or add custom templates to the Pivot Table cells.
  • Cell selection allows users to select cells and access the selected cell information through the cell selection event.


Bug Fixes

  • Drill-down works properly for date formatted headers.


  • Users can access grid functionalities in the drill-through pop-up.
  • Option to always show the value header even with single value binding.
  • Row header repeats on each page of the PDF document when exporting.
  • Users can display the value zero as zero and empty cells with a custom value.
  • Charts can be rendered against pivot table data independently, and users can modify their report dynamically using the field list.
  • Toolbar support is provided to the pivot table, allowing users easy access to frequently used features.
  • A grouping option is available for date and numbers fields.
  • Users can customize or add custom templates to the Pivot Table cells.
  • Cell selection allows users to select cells and access the selected cell information through the cell selection event.


Bug Fixes

  • Between Operator produces incorrect SQL is fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • The following events are renamed.
Existing Event Name New Event Name
beforeConditionChange beforeChange
beforeFieldChange beforeChange
beforeOperatorChange beforeChange
beforeValueChange beforeChange
conditionChanged change
fieldChanged change
operatorChanged change
valueChanged change
groupDelete change
groupInsert change
ruleDelete change
ruleInsert change


Bug Fixes

  • Image and Table quick toolbar open while scrolling the content in the iPhone device, that issue has been fixed.
  • Getting console error while rendering inline mode with FontColor and BackgroundColor in mobile view, that issue has been fixed.

-Undo and Redo icon visible in preview mode issue has been fixed


  • Paste cleanup: This feature allows users to clean up HTML content when copying and pasting any other content from external sources.



  • Provided support to auto-adjust the height of work cells based on the number of appointments present in the same time ranges.
  • Support for exporting the Scheduler events to an Excel file format is provided.
  • Support has been provided to export the Scheduler events to a calendar (.ics) file, as well as to import events from an .ics file into our Scheduler.

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple event bindings issue on calling show and hide methods when closeOnDocumentClick property is enabled has been fixed.


  • MediaQuery property will now support both string and MediaQueryList object types.



  • Now only single tooltip will be displayed in range slider for resize and drag actions for better user interface.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with not able to set null value value for cssClass API has been fixed


  • Expand and Collapse: This feature allows you configure and interact with the expand and collapse functionality of splitter.



  • Stock chart now allows stock events to highlight important dates.


Bug Fixes

  • Now input event will trigger after clear the textbox value using clear icon.


  • Provided option to render multiline textbox (textarea).



  • The right-to-left (RTL) rendering support has been provided.
  • Load on-demand option has been provided to load and render the child items dynamically.
  • Responsive support has been provided to the TreeMap legend.
  • The ‘doubleClick’, ‘rightClick’, and ‘legendRendering’ events have been provided in TreeMap.



  • Provided an option for auto checking parent tree nodes based on child tree nodes checked state and vice versa.
  • Now it is possible to select or unselect the collapsed child nodes by selecting its parent node through checkbox selection, with Load-On-Demand mode enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with uploading the file within the form has been fixed.
  • Issue with updating the uploader buttons text in firefox lower versions has been fixed.